The Pilot News

Raging Battle

- BY DENNIS WENZEL Dennis Wenzel is Intrum Pastor at St. John's-north Liberty and Immanuel-Plymouth Lutheran Churches in Shared Ministry

Reflection­s on Revelation 12:1-12

“Then there was a war in heaven.

Michael and all his angels fought against the dragon and his angels. And the dragon lost the battle, and he and his angels were forced out of heaven. This great dragon-the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world-was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.” Revelation 12:7-9

Many people these days seem to shy away from reading the Book of Revelation. Asked why they rarely open this book. The answers given are: I don’t want to feel the power of the last battle, because I hope I am on the right side. The battle between good and evil is classical, I hope good wins. That battle is predicted to be far in the future, I don’t worry about it. These are only a few comments, there are others.

So there are some concerns about the outcome of the end times and many feel this is a futuristic event, but what if this battle is raging on in our midst today? What if we are the major players (warriors) for the side of good, bringing God’s word of peace and acceptance of all people? What really is the main concern for the battle of good and evil, isn’t the battle for people’s souls to either be connected with God forever or cut off?

Why do I say all of this? Take a look at events going on in the world. At first glance, everything looks really bleak. Nations are fighting against nations. Others are struggling to find a place they can call home. There are violent actions in towns that years ago did not happen. Resentment­s brewing to a boiling point. People crying out to God and questionin­g if he cares about anyone in our world. But question no further for God is very active in world situations.

Take a look at local churches, temples, mosques, and other faith communitie­s at what they are doing. God uses these faith communitie­s to care for people's needs. For food, shelter, health needs, and encouragem­ent when feelings are low. Some faith communitie­s go into active war zones, to help where they can. These efforts do not make the nightly news for they are silently serving in the Lord’s name. So through these warriors, God is showing his love to the world and righting the wrongs of the world.

Dear Lord, I have always felt whatever people experience­d in this life was what they deserved. But now I see your love for people in a different way, the way of reaching out to others through the efforts of people who believe in you. Continue to make me a servant in your word. Amen.

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