The Providence Journal

How to get rid of dust mites naturally to help your allergies


Dust mites are stealthy home invaders that can wage a merciless war on our health.

Dust mite allergies are a fact of life for some 20 million Americans who may suffer year-round misery thanks to these furry little bugs.

Invisible to the naked eye, dust mites are one of the primary indoor triggers for people with allergies and asthma. Mild reactions may include an occasional runny nose, watery eyes or sneezing. But those who are more sensitive can experience persistent sneezing, coughing, congestion, facial pressure, or even severe asthma attacks. Suffice it to say, these microscopi­c menaces can punch well above their weight.

What are dust mites?

Well, here comes the gross part. They’re tiny, insect-like pests that feed on dead human skin cells and love to live in warm, humid environmen­ts.

Many people co-exist with these creatures and never know they’re there.

However, dust mites can cause a world of hurt to those allergic to them whose bodies react to the proteins and waste that dust mites produce.

Where are dust mites found?

Dust mites live in the bedding, mattresses, upholstere­d furniture, carpets, or curtains of your home. Even the cleanest house may not be dust mite free. But there are measures you can take to mitigate their effect on your health.

How to reduce your exposure to dust mites

Use allergen-proof bed covers which block dust mites’ access to your mattress and pillows.

Wash or tumble dry sheets, blankets, pillowcase­s, bedcovers, and curtains in hot water that’s at least 130 F.

Keep humidity low by using a dehumidifi­er.

Add a specialize­d filter to your air conditioni­ng system, or use an air purifier.

Get rid of dust-collecting clutter. Wash soft toys often.

Dust and vacuum your home regularly.

How to treat a dust allergy

Medication­s – including antihistam­ines, corticoste­roids and decongesta­nts – may provide some relief. Nasal irrigation systems, such as a Neti Pot, may help to flush away the irritants. And then there’s immunother­apy, in which you train your immune system to be less sensitive to the mites using tablets or shots.

That said, the bottom line is you can’t completely get rid of dust mites, and you’re not going to stop being allergic to them. But what you can do is make your home and your body as inhospitab­le to them as possible.

Reviewed-approved cleaning recommenda­tions

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1. Editor’s Choice dryer balls: Smart Sheep Wool Dryer Balls

2. A fun and effective microwave cleaner: Angry Mama Microwave Cleaner

3. “Life-changing” Magic Erasers: Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, 6-Pack

4. Earth-friendly dishcloths: Earth By Us Swedish Dishcloths

5. The best value robot vacuum: Eufy Robovac 11S


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