The Pueblo Chieftain

Australia’s leader visits White House

Biden, Albanese work to strengthen alliance

- Chris Megerian

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden described Australia as “an anchor to peace and prosperity” while standing alongside Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the White House on Wednesday, part of a state visit intended to deepen an alliance that’s increasing­ly viewed as a critical counterwei­ght to China’s influence in the Pacific.

It was the ninth and most high-profile meeting between the two leaders, reflecting their work toward closer ties on climate change, technology and national security.

“We renewed our commitment to defend the values that are at the heart of this alliance,” Biden said. “We continue to stand as one to forge a better future for both of us and all of the region.”

The state visit, only the fourth since Biden took office, came against the backdrop of escalating fighting between Israel and Hamas. Biden began a joint press conference with Albanese by expressing concern about the violence and calling for renewed dedication toward the eventual creation of a Palestinia­n state.

“When this crisis is over, there has to be a vision of what comes next,” he said. “And in our view it has to be a two-state solution.”

Biden’s remarks also nodded toward the potential for conflict in the the South China Sea, where just days ago Chinese ships blocked and collided with two Philippine vessels.

“I want to be very clear,” Biden said. “The United States’ defense commitment to the Philippine­s is ironclad.”

Albanese arrived at the White House on Wednesday morning as a military band played and 4,000 guests watched from the South Lawn.

Biden said their alliance is characteri­zed by “imaginatio­n, ingenuity and innovation,” and they will “race undaunted to a future we know is possible if we work together.”

Albanese said the “soul of our partnershi­p” is “not a pact against a common enemy,” but “a pledge to a common cause.”

The two leaders said they would work together on supporting economic developmen­t among Pacific island nations, a key arena as the U.S. seeks the upper hand in the region. They plan to invest in building maritime infrastruc­ture and laying undersea cables to strengthen internet connectivi­ty.

They also want to have U.S. companies launch space missions from Australia, and Microsoft announced it would spend $3 billion on cybersecur­ity, cloud computing and artificial intelligen­ce there.

The initiative­s come on top of a previously announced defense arrangemen­t in which the U.S. is developing nuclear-powered submarines for Australia. The collaborat­ion, which also involves the United Kingdom, is known as AUKUS, an acronym for the three countries’ names.

“State visits are a big deal,” said Charles Edel, a senior adviser and Australia chair at the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies in Washington. “They’re filled with plenty of pomp and circumstan­ce, but they also serve as an opportunit­y to take stock of critical relationsh­ips and push them further forward.”

Wednesday’s events were to end with a state dinner in a pavilion erected on the South Lawn of the White House.

The day’s celebrator­y mood was juxtaposed with the crisis in the Middle East, where Israel has increased its bombardmen­t of the Gaza Strip in retaliatio­n against Hamas for its Oct. 7 attack.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said there’s “no more important time than now” to hold the state visit to demonstrat­e the strength of the U.S. relationsh­ip with Australia.

The outbreak of war “doesn’t stop the work that the president has continued to do, whether it’s these diplomatic conversati­ons, these important bilateral visits, or whether it’s domestic issues right here in this country,” she said.

Biden has previously hosted the leaders of France, South Korea and India for state visits.

This one is something of a consolatio­n prize for Albanese after Biden scrapped his earlier plan to visit Australia in May during a standoff with House Republican­s over the debt ceiling. The decision forced the cancellati­on of a meeting of the Quad, which includes the U.S., India, Japan and Australia.

Albanese touched down in the U.S. late Sunday, and he visited Arlington National Cemetery on Monday.

The president and first lady Jill Biden welcomed Albanese and his partner, Jodie Haydon, to the White House on Tuesday evening for a private dinner and to exchange gifts.

Albanese is also tending to Australia’s relationsh­ip with China. He announced Sunday that he would meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in November. He will be the first Australian prime minister to visit China in seven years, a reflection of tension between the two countries over trade and security issues.

“It’s in Australia’s interest to have good relations with China,” Albanese told reporters.

Albanese’s meeting with Xi would come just weeks before a potential meeting between Biden and Xi during a gathering of Asian leaders in San Francisco. Beijing has not yet announced whether Xi will attend the annual AsiaPacifi­c Economic Cooperatio­n summit, known as APEC.

China’s top diplomat arrives in Washington later this week to meet with top U.S. officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

The U.S. and Australia are working on critical issues. Officials in both countries are hoping to streamline rules on weapons exports to improve defense collaborat­ion.

Biden also wants $3.4 billion to expand naval production facilities to help provide Australia with nuclear-powered submarines. Sullivan described the proposal as “a key component to making our AUKUS agreement a success.”

Australia plans to buy up to five U.S. submarines and later build its own. It’s the first time in 65 years that the U.S. has shared its nuclear propulsion technology.

John Lee, a Sydney-based senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, said the two countries are straining to make progress on their plans. “The U.S. and Australia are not on track,” he said of their defense partnershi­p.

 ?? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins President Joe Biden in a welcoming ceremony at the White House Tuesday.
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins President Joe Biden in a welcoming ceremony at the White House Tuesday.

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