The Punxsutawney Spirit

• A look at how Biden’s Cabinet nominees fared Tuesday


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s Cabinet is starting to fill out, with nominees for agricultur­e secretary and United Nations ambassador gaining Senate approval Tuesday.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he intends to wrap up the remaining nomination votes quickly.

“At a time of acute national challenge, we need qualified leaders atop our federal agencies — and fast,” he said Tuesday on the Senate floor. “And that’s what we intend to do.”

Schumer couldn’t resist a jab at former President Donald Trump, saying that all Biden’s nominees are “undoubtedl­y qualified for their positions, a stark departure from the caliber of nominees the Senate was made to consider during the previous administra­tion.”

But one of Biden’s nominees, Neera Tanden to lead the White House Office of Management and Budget, is clearly in trouble in the evenly divided Senate. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia has said he opposes her confirmati­on.

Here’s what happened Tuesday:


The Senate voted 78-20 to approve career diplomat Linda Thomas-Greenfield as United Nations Ambassador, a Cabinet-level position. A 35-year foreign service veteran who resigned during the Trump administra­tion, Thomas-Greenfield will have to address multiple internatio­nal relationsh­ips that were altered by Trump’s erratic and isolationi­st style.

“This confirmati­on sends a message that the United States is back and that our foreign service is back,” said Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., who chairs a House Foreign Affairs subcommitt­ee on Africa, global health and global human rights. “We as a country and as a world are safer with Linda ThomasGree­nfield serving as the United States ambassador to the United Nations.”

During confirmati­on hearings, Thomas-Greenfield faced some criticism from Senate Republican­s who labeled her soft on China, citing a 2019 speech she gave to the Chinese-funded Confucius Institute in which she praised China’s massive infrastruc­ture and influence program in Africa.

She said the speech had been a mistake and was not intended to be an endorsemen­t of Chinese government policies. She said of China, “They are a threat to their neighbors, and they are a threat across the globe.”


The Senate voted 92-7 to confirm Tom Vilsack for a return engagement as agricultur­e secretary.

The former Iowa governor spent eight years leading the same department under former President Barack Obama.

In his testimony, Vilsack, 70, heavily endorsed boosting climate-friendly agricultur­al industries such as the creation of biofuels, saying, “Agricultur­e is one of our first and best ways to get some wins in this climate area.”

Vilsack received minimal pushback or criticism during confirmati­on hearings. One of the few “no” votes came from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independen­t who caucuses with the Democrats. Sanders said he would have liked “somebody a little bit more vigorous in terms of protecting family farms and taking on corporate agricultur­e.”

Vilsack also heavily backed the Supplement­al Nutrition Assistance Program — commonly known as food stamps, or SNAP — as a key instrument in helping the country’s most vulnerable families survive and recover from the coronaviru­s pandemic. His Trump-era predecesso­r, Sonny Perdue, had sought to purge hundreds of thousands of people from the SNAP-recipient lists.


Health and Human Services nominee Xavier Becerra told senators that “strong federal leadership” was needed to confront the coronaviru­s pandemic. He also pledged to work to expand health insurance coverage, curb prescripti­on drug costs and reduce racial and ethnic disparitie­s in medical care.

Currently California’s attorney general, Becerra appeared Tuesday before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. He has a second confirmati­on hearing Wednesday before the Finance Committee, which will vote on sending his nomination to the Senate floor.

On Tuesday, he pledged to work to expand the Obama-era Affordable Care Act, though he’s previously supported a government-run system like “Medicare for All.”

Although Democrats have backed Becerra, Republican opposition has grown louder.

“I’m not sold yet,” Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, the ranking Republican on the health committee, said, addressing Becerra. “I’m not sure that you have the necessary experience or skills to do this job at this moment.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has called Becerra “famously partisan.” As California attorney general, Becerra filed 124 lawsuits that challenged Trump administra­tion actions. INTERIOR:

Rep. Deb Haaland, Biden’s nominee to lead the Interior Department, fielded sharp questions from Republican­s over what some called her “radical” ideas that include opposition to fracking and to the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

The New Mexico congresswo­man said she was determined to “strike the right balance” between conserving public lands and energy developmen­t. If confirmed, Haaland, 60, would be the first Native American to lead a Cabinet agency.

Haaland’s hearing centered on her and Biden’s intentions regarding the future of fossil fuels. Her hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee was adjourned after nearly 2 1/2 hours and will resume Wednesday.

Sen. Steve Daines, RMont., displayed a large chart featuring a quote from Haaland last November, before she was selected as Biden’s nominee. She said then: “If I had my way, it’d be great to stop all gas and oil leasing on federal and public lands.”

Manchin, the panel’s chair and a Democrat from coaldepend­ent West Virginia, has said he is undecided on Haaland’s nomination.

In response to questions from Manchin and others, Haaland said the U.S. will continue to rely on fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas even as it moves toward Biden’s goal of net zero carbon emissions by midcentury. The transition to clean energy “is not going to happen overnight,” she said.


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