The Punxsutawney Spirit

Pa. lawmakers move closer to letting child sex abuse victims sue


HARRISBURG (AP) — For the first time, prominent Republican state senators on Wednesday put their support behind legislatio­n in Pennsylvan­ia to change the law to allow now-adult victims of child sexual abuse to sue the perpetrato­rs or institutio­ns that did not prevent it when it happened years or decades ago.

The vote, 11-3, in the Senate Judiciary Committee comes after years of damning investigat­ions into child sexual abuse by clergy in Pennsylvan­ia's Roman Catholic dioceses and signals that the legislatio­n may have enough Republican support to pass the full state Senate.

Similar legislatio­n passed the House earlier this month and Democrats — including Gov. Tom Wolf, state Attorney General Josh Shapiro and practicall­y all of the party’s members of the Legislatur­e — have backed the effort.

“Today’s vote brings these brave survivors the closest they have been to having their day in court,” Shapiro said in a statement.

Many childhood victims of sexual assault lost the right to sue in Pennsylvan­ia when they turned 18 or were young adults, depending on state law at the time.

Advocates for survivors of childhood sexual abuse say restoring the right to sue will benefit adults who, as children, were abused not only by Catholic clergy, but by public school teachers, coaches, relatives or youth group leaders, for starters.

Under the legislatio­n, they would have two years to sue over their alleged abuse, no matter how long ago it occurred.

Brooke Rush, who says she was molested at age 11 by Johnstown pediatrici­an Johnnie Barto, was elated Wednesday at the news that a two-year window to sue appeared to be close at hand. If it passes, Rush would presumably be able to join a civil lawsuit against Barto’s former pediatric practice.

“I know that this is something that, for a lot of people, is a literal lifeline,” said Rush, now 45, her voice cracking with emotion. “It just never ceases to strike me to the core how much pain so many people are living through. They finally have the ability to not be silent anymore.”

Barto is serving an effective life sentence for sexually abusing patients in his exam room. As she spoke, Rush’s phone dinged constantly, lighting up with excited messages from people she calls her “survivor sisters.”

The survivor community has spent years pushing lawmakers to act and, for years, Senate Republican­s have blocked such legislatio­n, arguing that it is unconstitu­tional. Roman Catholic bishops and insurers opposed it, too.

In 2019, Senate Republican­s shifted to backing a constituti­onal amendment to restore the right to sue as more states began changing their laws on it.

On Wednesday, Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman, R-Centre, said that, as long as lawmakers are unified around changing the constituti­on, he is willing to back legislatio­n to change the law and see what happens in court if it is challenged.

“If there’s enough vagueness at least to be argued, I’m prepared to let all the lawyers have their day, the judges to have their day, and most importantl­y victims of these terrible crimes to have their day,” Corman said.

Under the bill, a legal challenge goes straight to the state Supreme Court.

Corman's office, however, would not predict whether it will pass the Senate, saying only “it will be an ongoing discussion” among Republican­s in coming days and weeks.

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