The Punxsutawney Spirit

Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

Were you a voter who voted in the November 2020 presidenti­al election, but thought the election of November 2021 wasn’t important, so you did not vote?

The drop-off in voting between presidenti­al and off-year elections is significan­t nationwide and significan­t in the commonweal­th, yet the issues confrontin­g us could not be more important. Health care affordabil­ity, drug addiction, illegal immigratio­n and climate change top one list of major problems facing Americans today. Rural Pennsylvan­ians like you and me face a shrinking middle class, stagnating wages, a lag in post-secondary education, slow job growth and poor broadband service.

We need qualified senators, representa­tives and local officials to address these issues that affect us. In the forthcomin­g May primary election, voters will select candidates for the U. S. Senate and the House of Representa­tives, candidates to the PA House and Senate, and candidates at the local level.

People who value government of, by and for the people must understand these issues and support candidates who plan to address them. Informatio­n is available on the websites of individual candidates and websites like Ballotpedi­a and ontheissue­ Now is the time to become informed.

It is also the time to request your mail-in ballot: Voting-in-PA/Pages/Mailand-Absentee-Ballot.aspx.

Be a participan­t in our democracy. Don’t sit this election out.

— Carole A. Briggs, Brookville Letter to the Editor policy: The Spirit encourages letters to the editor and will publish accepted letters in a timely manner. The Spirit has full discretion to deny publicatio­n for any reason. Letters should include the letter writer’s name, address and phone number. No letters will be published anonymousl­y. Letters must be factual, respectful and focus on informatio­n and not name calling. Letters should be no more than 350 words, and all letters submitted will be subject to editing. Send letters to editor@ punxsutawn­ Letters are the opinion of the writer, not The Spirit.

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