The Punxsutawney Spirit

Ex-Minneapoli­s cop pleads guilty in George Floyd killing

- By Amy Forliti

MINNEAPOLI­S (AP) — A former Minneapoli­s police officer pleaded guilty Monday to aiding and abetting seconddegr­ee manslaught­er in the killing of George Floyd just as jury selection was about to begin. Another former officer waived his right to a jury trial, setting up an uncommon process in which both sides agree to the evidence before the judge issues a verdict.

The plea deal for J. Alexander Kueng calls for 3 1/2 years in prison, with prosecutor­s agreeing to drop a count of aiding and abetting seconddegr­ee murder. Kueng is the second officer to plead guilty to the state charge, following Thomas Lane, who pleaded guilty earlier this year.

Their former colleague, Tou Thao, rejected a plea deal earlier this year, telling a judge it “would be lying” to accept any such deal. On Monday, he agreed to go forward with a proceeding called a trial by stipulated evidence on one count of aiding and abetting manslaught­er. In doing so, he is waiving his rights to a trial by jury and to testify.

The two sides will work out agreed-upon evidence against Thao and prepare written closing arguments. They will submit those to Judge Peter Cahill by Nov. 17, with Cahill to decide whether he is guilty within 90 days. If convicted of the manslaught­er count, Thao would likely get about four years in prison and the aiding and abetting murder charge would be dropped.

All three were convicted in February on federal counts of willfully violating the civil rights of Floyd. Lane was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in the federal case. Kueng was sentenced to three years and Thao was sentenced to 3 1/2, but for some Floyd family members and activists, the penalties were too small.

Floyd, 46, died May 25, 2020, after Officer Derek Chauvin, who is white, pinned him to the ground with a knee on Floyd’s neck as he repeatedly said he couldn’t breathe.

Kueng and Lane helped to restrain Floyd, who was handcuffed. Kueng knelt on Floyd’s back and Lane held down Floyd’s legs. Thao kept bystanders from intervenin­g during the 9 1/2-minute restraint.

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