The Punxsutawney Spirit

Imprisoned Navalny learns documentar­y about him wins Oscar

- By Dasha Litvinova

TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — Imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny learned Monday from his lawyer that a film detailing his poisoning and political activism won the Oscar for best documentar­y feature.

The 46-year-old politician was attending a court hearing via video link from the prison when his attorney broke the news to him about the documentar­y, “Navalny,” by director Daniel Roher, according to his spokeswoma­n Kira Yarmysh. She called it “the most remarkable announceme­nt of an (Oscar) win in history.”

Yarmysh did not report what Navalny’s initial reaction was to the Oscar win.

According to Yarmysh, Navalny faced a court hearing in Kovrov, a town near the prison in the Vladimir region east of Moscow. President Vladimir Putin’s fiercest critic participat­ed in the hearing on a complaint he filed against Russian penitentia­ry officials.

At a daily conference call with reporters, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov refused to comment on the Oscar win, saying that he hasn’t seen the film and thus “it wouldn’t make sense to say anything” about it. He added that “Hollywood sometimes does not shun politicizi­ng its work.”

Russian state TV channels largely ignored the win.

Monday’s hearing was on one of the many lawsuits the defiant Navalny has filed against prison administra­tors over what he alleges are violations of his rights. Two more hearings were scheduled, but those were postponed until later dates.

The documentar­y portrays Navalny’s career of fighting official corruption, his near-fatal poisoning with a nerve agent in 2020 that he blames on the Kremlin, his five-month recuperati­on in Germany and his 2021 return to Moscow, where he was immediatel­y taken into custody at the airport. He was later sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison and last year was convicted and given another nine-year term.

Navalny has faced unrelentin­g pressure from authoritie­s. He spent several weeks in isolation in a tiny “punishment cell” and last month was placed in a restricted housing unit for six months. He is effectivel­y deprived of phone calls or visits from his family.

At the ceremony Sunday night in Los Angeles, Roher accepted his Oscar by saying he dedicated it to Navalny and to all political prisoners around the world.

“Alexei, the world has not forgotten your vital message to us all: We must not be afraid to oppose dictators and authoritar­ianism wherever it rears its head,” he said.

Navalny’s wife, Yulia, also spoke, saying: “My husband is in prison just for telling the truth. My husband is in prison just for defending democracy. Alexei, I am dreaming of the day you will be free and our country will be free. Stay strong, my love.”

His daughter Dasha told reporters that the only way the family is able to stay in touch with him is through letters, with defense lawyers able to visit him occasional­ly. His health is deteriorat­ing, which is worrying, she said.

Lyubov Sobol, Navalny’s longtime ally, said in an interview with The Associated Press that the documentar­y’s success represente­d “an important signal that the world sees the efforts to fight for democracy in Russia, the world supports brave and courageous people who have challenged Vladimir Putin and have been fighting the unequal battle with evil, which is now tormenting the entire world and Ukraine in the first place.”

“It’s a very important victory and I was unspeakabl­y glad,” Sobol said.

Another Navalny ally, Maria Pevchikh, wrote on Instagram: “Alexei, this is your award. It’s not about the film. It’s about the fact that what you’re doing cannot leave anyone indifferen­t. Be it in Russia, in Hollywood, or anywhere else. (You’re) a true hero.”

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