The Punxsutawney Spirit


Today is the 80th day of 2023 and the second day of spring.


TODAY’S HISTORY: In 1788, a fire destroyed most of the city of New Orleans.

In 1963, the federal penitentia­ry on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay was closed.

In 1980, President Jimmy Carter announced that the United States would boycott the Moscow Olympic Games.

In 2006, the social media site Twitter was founded.

In 2011, a team of 30 surgeons and other physicians at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston announced the completion of the first full face transplant in the United States.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS: Benito Juarez (1806-1872), Mexican president; Florenz Ziegfeld (1867-1932), theater producer; Phyllis McGinley (1905-1978), author; Walter Lincoln Hawkins (1911-1992), scientist/inventor; Solomon Burke (1940-2010), singer-songwriter; Timothy Dalton (1946- ), actor; Gary Oldman (1958- ), actor; Ayrton Senna (19601994), race car driver; Matthew Broderick (1962- ), actor; Rosie O’Donnell (1962- ), actress/talk show host; Ronaldinho (1980- ), soccer player; Adrian Peterson (1985- ), football player; Scott Eastwood (1986- ), actor.

TODAY’S FACT: Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones completed the first nonstop hot air balloon flight around the world on this day in 1999.

TODAY’S SPORTS: In 1989, an investigat­ive report by Sports Illustrate­d revealed evidence that Major League Baseball playermana­ger Pete Rose had illegally gambled on baseball games.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “Gossip isn’t scandal and it’s not merely malicious. It’s chatter about the human race by lovers of the same.” — Phyllis McGinley

TODAY’S NUMBER: 14 — attempted escapes, involving 36 inmates, from Alcatraz Penitentia­ry over the 29 years that the prison operated. None of the attempts are believed to have been successful.

TODAY’S MOON: New moon (March 21).

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