The Punxsutawney Spirit

Smoke testing underway in Young Twp.

- By Justin Felgar

Vol. 148, No. 190

YOUNG TOWNSHIP — The Young Township supervisor­s said the smoke testing of the township’s sewer lines has begun at Tuesday’s meeting.

Supervisor Lillian Cameron said notice has been given in the newspaper and the testing should be completed by next Monday. She said some caps were missing on the cleanouts and the road crew replaced the missing caps as they proceeded with the smoke test.

In other business:

• DeLancey grant: Cameron said a survey was sent to the residents of Delancey in regard to the grant to replace the equipment at the playground. She said the residents of DeLancey are urged to complete the survey so the applicatio­n for the grant can be completed.

• Young Road inspection: Cameron said a PennDOT representa­tive has inspected Young Road. She said it was determined to have a good base and it will be suitable for paving once the potholes are repaired. Cameron said they have money in the liquid fuels account for the paving, as well as possible money coming from a grant. Supervisor Ron Heitzenrat­er said they are still waiting to hear on the grant. He said they should know something by the end of the month. Cameron said they have a business coming in that might help them as well.

• Tax Collection Committee resolution: Cameron asked for a motion to pass a resolution that would establish the Tax Collection Committee delegates. The primary voting delegate would be Ron Heitzenrat­er, with Sam Adams as the first alternate delegate. Adams made the motion, with Cameron

providing the second. It was passed.

• Stormwater grant: Cameron asked for a motion to apply for a stormwater grant from the Jefferson County Conservati­on District. Heitzenrat­er made the motion; Adams provided the second. The motion passed.

• Road master’s report: Cameron read the road master’s report. She said they fixed the drain on Young Road, checked all of the cross pipes on Young Road, cleaned all of the ditches on Young Road, applied cold patch on Guzzo, Gresock and Laska roads, started work on Yates Road, fixed holes across from the County Line Gas Station and East American Motorsport­s, started the smoke testing on Aug. 7 and 8 and all problems so far found were fixed.

• Burning complaint: Cameron said they received a complaint in regard to burning over the weekend. A code enforcemen­t officer was dispatched to the site. She said pine trees were being cut and the contractor had a burn permit. The fire wasn’t a full burn and the smoke was going straight up and not blowing according to the code enforcemen­t officer. Cameron said he stayed at the premises until 11 p.m. and a warning letter was sent to the property owner notifying them of the two violations, one of which was leaving a fire unattended and not extinguish­ed. Cameron said it was a one-day event.

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