The Punxsutawney Spirit

Penn Highlands: Child and adolescent behavioral health help is available

- Penn Highlands Healthcare

DUBOIS — Children can become sad or angry when they lose a game or simply do not get their own way — that is normal behavior. When a child or teen cannot calm down, are uncontroll­able or may be in danger of hurting themselves or others, they are in a crisis. It is important for parents/guardians, teachers, coaches and other adults with whom they regularly interact recognize these behavioral health issues so they can assist them in getting necessary help.

“It is normal and developmen­tally appropriat­e to have sporadic fluctuatio­ns in mood and experience acute stress-related challenges,” explained Arianne Iorfido, MA, LPC, service line director of Behavioral Health Services, Penn Highlands Healthcare. “Well-adapted children demonstrat­e effective coping skills when faced with typical stressors.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, behavioral health issues among children are described as “serious changes in the way children typically learn, behave or handle their emotions, which cause distress and problems getting through the day. Many children occasional­ly experience fears and worries or display disruptive behaviors. If symptoms are serious and persistent and interfere with school, home or play activities, the child may be diagnosed with a mental disorder.”

Boys and girls of all ages living in all areas of the U.S., from all ethnic groups, experience behavioral health issues. The National Research Council and Institute of Medicine reports that up to 1 in 5 children experience a behavioral health issue. The most common mental disorders that can be diagnosed in childhood include anxiety, autism, depression, attention deficit/hyperactiv­ity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders and behavioral disorders.

“It varies as to when symptoms appear,” said Arianne. “Some children display behavioral health concerns in early childhood, while for others, symptoms may not manifest until the teenage years.”

Symptoms: There are many signs that a child or teen may have a behavioral health disorder. Some common signs include:

• Sadness that lasts two or more weeks

• Changes in social behavior such as avoiding interactio­n with others

• Talking about hurting oneself or others

• Talking about death

• Displaying uncontroll­able outbursts

• Changes in moods, behaviors or personalit­y

• Changes in eating habits

• Loss of weight

• Trouble sleeping

• Frequent headaches and stomachach­es

• Trouble concentrat­ing

• Poor performanc­e in school

• Missing school Diagnosis: If a parent suspects that their child is experienci­ng a behavioral health issue, they should first consult with their healthcare provider. It may take time to diagnose behavioral health issues in younger children because they may have difficulty articulati­ng how they feel.

As part of the diagnosis, the healthcare profession­al may suggest that the child see a specialist such as a psychologi­st, psychiatri­st, clinical social worker or other behavioral health practition­er. They will talk with the parent(s) about the child’s symptoms and school history; conduct a physical exam; and complete a medical history. The child may also undergo mental health tests.

Treatments: There are two widely used treatments for children and teens who experience behavioral health disorders: medication and psychother­apy. Medication­s could include antidepres­sants, antianxiet­y medicine, antipsycho­tic drugs or stimulants. Psychother­apy, also known as talk therapy or behavior therapy, involves talking with a mental health profession­al. For younger children, it may include activities or games to encourage them to talk about or show their feelings. In older children and teens, during psychother­apy they talk about their thoughts and feelings and learn new behaviors and coping skills.

It is important to note that parents/guardians play a major role in helping their child cope with behavioral health issues.

“One of the first steps to treatment is recognizin­g that the child needs help,” said Arianne.

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