The Record (Troy, NY)

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Call 238-6931 to share your praises and peeves. Callers have 30 seconds.

Sheldon Silver looks so innocent on TV, but if he had time to bank $4 million on the side, then he’s not really doing his job in Albany that taxpayers’ money is paying him for. I think that’s a little ridiculous.


Whatever happened to humility and loyalty and honor and respect and integrity? It seems that all our government has is ego, pride, anger, jealousy, greed and remorse. I think they better think things over.


I have to compliment Hannaford Stores. They allowed people to come in and shop when we had the power loss. They were very helpful, and I really appreciate that I could shop that day and didn’t have to do everything in the last minute on the day before Thanksgivi­ng. I really appreciate the staff for all the help they gave me in the store.


I hope that twenty-year old mother who killed her baby boy on Thanksgivi­ng in Columbia County gets a lot of years in prison. But she won’t. She’ll probably plead mental anguish and get probation. That poor baby boy didn’t get a chance.


Mr. Gray’s article on the coat was very beautiful this week. His writing is just magnificen­t, and he does a very good job on the TV as well.


I think it’s very nice that Sheldon Silver has time to make $5 million on the side when he’s supposed to be representi­ng the people of New York state. I dearly hope that the IRS will investigat­e his taxes.


White European Christian men stole this country from the people God put here to begin with, so America will absolutely never have the right to make any decisions about who gets to come here or be supported by our taxes.


Obama has claimed that global warming is the largest problem in the world these days, but most of the data that has been collected through the years has been manipulate­d by scientists who received government grants. Also, I don’t believe that the families of 9⁄11 victims would quite agree, or the families of victims of the 27,000 attacks by Muslim terrorists.


I’d like to go one day without having the Huge guy on TV. His commercial­s are nuts. His deals are nuts: very high interest rates, and he calls that a great deal. Isn’t there anything that can be done to keep him off TV for at least one day?


I’m watching the protest in Chicago on the news. I understand; I do think that cop should be charged with murder. But why aren’t they protesting the murder two weeks ago of the beautiful little black child, 9 years old, who was lured by gang members? Is it because the alleged murderers were both black? This 9-yearold suffered a terrible death and they’re not even worried about that? Shame on them; they should protest that, too.


I feel badly for all the Middle Eastern refugees who are being displaced by repressive regimes at war. We had a similar situation in 1776. A tyrannical superpower made life unbearable by taxing Americans to death. Did we run away to Canada? No, we decided to take up arms and fight for ourselves. Let all refugees do the same. Let them volunteer so they can fight the tyrants in their own country. The American military will train and equip them. But if they don’t want to fight for their freedom, then get out of here. You’re not welcome.


I worked under Social Security for 42 years. I also paid into a state pension for ten years. Recently I retired, and my state pension is higher than my Social Security. Can’t figure this one out.


I find it interestin­g that the Pope is worried about climate change, because suddenly he’s a scientific expert. The bottom line is, he’s got an airplane that’s fifty times bigger than a plane I can’t afford. His plane uses more fossil fuel in a day than I would in five years, but he’s telling me how to live my life. I think he should spend more time focusing on what his priests are doing.


I’m sure that most people who call in Sound-Offs would like to put their names in, but those who are bothered by the truth may retaliate against them and do them bodily harm or damage their property.

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