The Record (Troy, NY)

The utter nastiness of Ted Cruz

- Follow Dana Milbank on Twitter, @Milbank.

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. >> When Ted Cruz last month mocked Donald Trump’s “New York values,” it wasn’t entirely clear what he was implying.

Last week, we got a clue: For Cruz, “New York” is another way of saying “Jewish.”

At an event in New Hampshire, Cruz, the Republican Iowa caucus winner, was asked about campaign money he and his wife borrowed from Goldman Sachs. Cruz, asserting that Trump had “upward of $480 million of loans from giant Wall Street banks,” said: “For him to make this attack, to use a New York term, it’s the height of chutzpah.” Cruz, pausing for laughter after the phrase “New York term,” exaggerate­d the guttural “ch” to more laughter and applause.

But chutzpah, of course, is not a “New York” term. It’s a Yiddish – a Jewish – one. And using “New York” as a euphemism for Jewish has long been an anti-Semitic dog-whistle.

I followed both Cruz and Trump this past week at multiple campaign events across New Hampshire. It was, in a sense, a pleasure to see them use their prodigious skills of character assassinat­ion against each other. It was demagogue against demagogue: lie vs. lie. Both men riled their supporters with fantasies and straw men.

But there were discernibl­e difference­s. Trump owned anger. Cruz, by contrast, had a lock on nastiness. Trump is belligeren­t and hyperbolic, with an author- itarian style. But while Trump fires up the masses with his nonstop epithets, Cruz has Joe McCarthy’s knack for false insinuatio­n and underhande­dness. What sets Cruz apart is the malice he exudes.

Cruz jokes that “the whole point of the campaign” is that “the Washington elites despise” him. But Cruz’s problem is that going back to his college days at Princeton, those who know him best seem to despise him most. Not a single Senate colleague has endorsed his candidacy, and Iowa’s Republican governor urged Cruz’s defeat, then called his campaign “unethical.”

Ben Carson, who rarely has a bad word to say about anybody in the GOP race, accused Cruz of “deceit and dirty tricks and lies” last week after the Texan’s campaign spread the false rumor dur- ing the Iowa caucuses that Carson was quitting the race. Two former rivals who also appeal to religious conservati­ves, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum (who endorsed Marco Rubio), have questioned Cruz’s truthfulne­ss, too.

After Cruz’s caucus-night skulldugge­ry – a campaign email to supporters and a tweet by a Cruz national co-chairman suggesting Carson was quitting the race – his response continued the deception. Though he apologized to Carson, he said that “our political team forwarded a news story from CNN” and “all the rest of it is just silly noise.” But CNN said nothing about Carson dropping out.

After Trump, in his overblown way, accused Cruz of stealing the election, Cruz replied, righteousl­y, that “I have no intention of insulting him or throwing mud.”

No? He accused Trump of “a Trumpertan­trum.” He said Trump as president “would have nuked Denmark.” He said Trump “doesn’t have any core beliefs.” He mischaract­erized several of Trump’s positions, saying “he wants to expand Obamacare,” that “for his entire life, 60 years, he has been advocating for fullon socialized medicine” and that Trump favors “amnesty” for illegal immigrants and “wants to deport people that are here illegally but then let them back in immediatel­y and become citizens.” He speculated that Trump may have “billions” in loans and said the concept of repaying loans is “novel and unfamiliar to Donald.”

The misreprese­ntation isn’t limited to Trump. In a single speech in Nashua, he mischaract­erized things said by, among others, Jimmy Carter, Chris Wallace, guests on Sean Hannity’s show, Atlanta’s mayor, Rubio and, of course, President Obama.

I asked the Cruz campaign for substantia­tion of several of Cruz’s accusation­s but received nothing. Unsurprisi­ng: Cruz’s purpose is not to inform but to insinuate.

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 ??  ?? Dana MilbankCol­umnist
Dana MilbankCol­umnist

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