The Record (Troy, NY)

Astrology: Take a look at your daily horoscope


Happy birthday: for Monday, May 16. This year your imaginatio­n and intellect prove to be your best traits, especially when faced with challenges. You can solve nearly any problem you encounter. Refuse to accept ‘’no’’ as an answer. If you are single, romance flourishes for those who are interested in the pursuit of love. Sometime before 2017, you could meet someone who will have a long-term effect on your life. If you are attached, the two of you might be considerin­g making a new commitment, which could involve anything from a new interest to a new addition. You seem more connected than you have been in a while. LIBRA likes the way you approach others, and often studies your style.

Aries (March 21-April 19):

★★★★★ If you opt to take a stand, it will be met appropriat­ely and with shared concern. Others appreciate your feedback. Everyone likes to be heard, you included. You could feel energized and as if you are nearly unstoppabl­e. Tonight: Go along with a loved one’s idea or wish.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

★★★ You are full of ideas, especially when you wake up. Others add their personal touches, which will help you along. Be more forthright in a discussion, but expect the other party to be competitiv­e or combative. You are best on a one-on-one level. Tonight: In the limelight.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

★★★★ How you handle a situation could change depending on whether you decide to discuss what is happening. In the morning, you could be withdrawn yet determined. By the afternoon, you will be more creative and open to suggestion­s. Tonight: Act as if there were no tomorrow.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

★★★★ Listen to news and maintain a high profile. Communicat­ion soars in the morning. How you want to use this informatio­n could change considerab­ly as the day goes on. Resist getting into an argument with someone who is important to you. Tonight: Say little.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

★★★★ Your ideas might not be as well-received as you would like them to be this morning. Wait until the afternoon, and this story is likely to have a different ending. Allow your creativity to open up, but don’t feel as if you must share your ideas. Tonight: As lively as you feel.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

★★★★ Use the morning to the max, even if you have difficulty juggling all your different concerns. You might be put off by someone’s remarks and competitiv­eness in the afternoon. Decide to be a one-man show, and you will be a lot more content. Tonight: Treat a friend.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

★★★★ Use the morning for personal or quiet work. Don’t try to come to any decisions during this period of time, as you should focus on reflection above all else. By the afternoon, you’ll test the waters again and likely will come to a different conclusion. Tonight: Be naughty and nice.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

★★★★ Your tough spirit can handle much more than others can even digest. This afternoon, you will be mulling over a problem, which you might opt not to discuss. Your refusal could surprise an associate, but you often need to process informatio­n on your own. Tonight: Play it low-key.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

★★★★ You might want to push a little harder in order to achieve what you feel is important in the afternoon. Success will follow, as long as you do not take a ‘’no’’ personally. A meeting could be somewhat forceful, yet it’s worthwhile. Tonight: Invite a friend for munchies and a baseball game.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

★★★★ You could be on top of a personal matter and might have difficulty understand­ing why other suggestion­s are being made. Ask some questions about why these ideas are being presented. Did others not like what you came up with? Tonight: Get some work done.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

★★★★ You could be feeling as if you can’t get away from a draining situation. You are tired of the topic, but it keeps coming up. Ask yourself what it takes to put the kibosh on the matter. You might want to save your mental and emotional energy for later. Tonight: New vistas feel good.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

★★★★ You could be defiant and less sure of yourself than in the past. Your ability to move through a problem will be enhanced, as long as you listen to the other side. You need to understand what the essential issue or problem is between you. Tonight: Make it easy.

Born today: Singer/songwriter Janet Jackson (1966), civilright­s activist Robert Graetz (1928), actor Pierce Brosnan (1953)

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Jacqueline Bigar

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