The Record (Troy, NY)

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I don’t understand how people who call themselves Democrats can in all honestly vote for Hillary. She’s a criminal, a liar, a cheat and a thief, and people say they don’t trust her. Yet they’ll vote for her when with anybody else they’d be screaming “Put them in jail!” I wish somebody would explain why a person who cannot be trusted can be trusted with being the president.

Editor’s note: In many cases it’s because they trust Donald Trump so much less, for whatever reason, that they feel compelled to vote for Clinton in order to stop him, rather than vote for any more trustworth­y third-party candidate.

••• When do you call it hurting yourself when you’re drinking too much alcohol and literally killing yourself slowly, versus if somebody was just overdosing on medicine or something? We’ve got these homeless people and panhandler­s both sitting outside Stewart’s and all these places. They need to be able to go get some mental health treatment and alcohol rehab.

••• During the Seventies and Eighties our media talked about “Banana Republics,” poor countries in South America and Africa that had corrupt government­s, constituti­ons they did not follow, vote rigging in their elections and dictator-type presidents. Fast forward to today: the U.S. now has a corrupt government in the Obama administra­tion and a very corrupt Democratic nominee in Hillary Clinton, and a Constituti­on

that is constantly ignored by Obama. Hillary will be no different. Maybe we have become a Banana Republic also. Shame on us.

••• James Kallstrom, a former FBI assistant director, recently spoke with Megyn Kelly on Fox News. He told Kelly that orders have come down from the White House that the Bureau can’t investigat­e anything to do with Muslims, and agents are petrified of losing their jobs if they do. Islamists could not have a better friend in the White House had they put one of their own in there. That’s why the San Bernardino and Orlando massacres weren’t stopped ahead of time. This was in Cal Thomas’s column in the June 16 paper.

••• President Obama has admitted that Obamacare has trouble working because he can’t get the healthy people to sign up for it. The bottom line is, magically he thinks that the $2 billion a day it costs for the health care of smokers is just going to disappear, and he’s trying to get non-smokers to pay the bill. He has never addressed that $2 billion a day. The healthcare cost of smoking is 30 percent of the entire health care cost…We haven’t got one politician yet who’ll take on the tobacco industry. Donald, where are you?

••• This election is basically a no-brainer. You vote for Hillary, you get the same if not worse than what’s in the office now. We’ve had no Attorney General for seven years. This

woman in there now, who took the place of the other knucklehea­d, is totally not enforcing any laws…. Hillary is coming in with Cheryl Mills, who’s just as bad as the other one, and Huma Abedin, who’s Anthony Weiner’s wife. Put all that together and do you really want that for your country and your grandkids?

••• I would like to know what happened to Jessica on Channel 13. She was a beautiful girl and a very intelligen­t one. I miss her very much and I would just like to know what other station she went to.

••• This is for the big Hillary and Obama supporter who can’t watch Fox News anymore. You know what? ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, I can go on and on. They’re all left-wing liberal channels in favor of Hillary and Obama. Fox News is the only one that tells you like it is. Maybe you ought to stick with the others, because all they do is brainwash you day in and day out, 24/7 bashing Trump. You have a lot of nerve.

Editor’s note: Others would say Fox News has a biased agenda. Perhaps viewers cling to the networks that reinforce their establishe­d viewpoints?

••• Young parents take notice: Donald Trump is a prime example of absolutely no social etiquette, manners or anything to get along with people being taught to him as a child. All you have to do is listen to him when he opens his mouth and you’ll know that he is lost forever.

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