The Record (Troy, NY)

Extend your cardiovasc­ular health

- Ask the Doctors

DEARDOCTOR » I’ve been hearing on the news that researcher­s have discovered that when stress causes a heart attack, it all begins in the brain. How does this work? And is it even possible to control the way our brain responds?

DEARREADER » Before we dive into the details of the intriguing revelation­s regarding stress and heart health, we’d like to share some soothing news. The same mindbody connection that researcher­s believe plays a role in heart attack may also offer a measure of protection through techniques like meditation, yoga and mindful relaxation.

Let’s start with the known risk factors for cardiovasc­ular disease, which have been front-page news for decades. Obesity, high cholestero­l, hypertensi­on, diabetes and smoking — we doubt any of our readers are surprised by that lineup. And while mental and emotional stress have long been suspected to contribute to heart disease, the exact mechanism has remained a mystery.

Now researcher­s from Harvard Medical School have identified the part of the brain that plays a significan­t role in cardiovasc­ular disease. Known as the amygdala, it’s a small, almond-shaped area associated with processing emotion. The amygdala receives and interprets input from throughout the brain. When incoming signals point to danger, the amygdala reacts instantly, bypassing conscious choice. It sets the sympatheti­c nervous system, which regulates the fight-orflight reflex, into action.

Using imaging techniques to measure brain activity, the researcher­s could link increased activity in the amygdala to increased production of white blood cells by the bone marrow. This led to inflammati­on in the arteries, which is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

The good news is that by using techniques to reduce the stress response, we not only feel more calm and serene, but the benefits can also extend to cardiovasc­ular health. So be good to your amygdala (and to your heart) and consider some options.

Many workplaces, community centers, university extension programs and senior citizen centers now offer stress-reduction programs. At the very least, they will bring you together with like-minded individual­s. Social isolation is associated with increased stress, so simply becoming part of a community with a common goal is a step forward.

Yoga has long been shown to reduce stress and promote physical, emotional and mental well-being. In fact, studies show that individual­s who practice yoga regularly have lower levels of certain stress chemicals in their blood than those who don’t do yoga. And although many forms of yoga have sprung up over the years — some of them quite fast-paced and with a mindset that is almost competitiv­e — we recommend the gentle and measured approach of basic hatha yoga.

Meditation is also quite effective at reducing stress. Again, studies have shown that people who meditate regularly for just as little as 20 minutes per day reduced their blood pressure and reported feeling less stressed than did their non-meditating counterpar­ts.

Tai chi, Pilates and deep breathing are also good for stress reduction. And don’t forget the healing power of the natural world. A contemplat­ive walk in the woods or a park will help you leave your worries behind.

 ??  ?? Eve Glazier + Elizabeth Ko
Eve Glazier + Elizabeth Ko

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