The Record (Troy, NY)

Finding vocation important for a

fulfilling career

- Dr. Raymond Angelini of New Horizons Coaching has been in private practice for 30 years in Saratoga Springs and specialize­s in assisting individual­s in finding and sustaining careers that are more rewarding, lifeenhanc­ing and in keeping with one’s persona

As a career coach, I am frequently asked for advice, especially by young people, on how to successful­ly choose the right career.

The choice of a career is one of the most important decisions we make in life, so it is important that we choose well. Our work should be much more than what we do to make money. Most of us will spend the lion’s share of our lives working, so it is critical for our wellbeing to be happy and fulfilled in what we do.

Sigmund Freud, the great psychoanal­yst, stated that to be happy in life, we needed to be “happy in love and happy in work.” Our work affects who we are because it is where we invest much of our time. The more time we spend doing something, the more we imbue it with our consciousn­ess. What we give our consciousn­ess and awareness to ultimately expands, thus our work will ultimately fill our lives with the reality it represents.

When choosing a career, be sure to look beyond surface attraction­s. Give serious considerat­ion to what the job entails on a regular basis, and be sure this is the way you want to spend your time. If you fail to give these factors careful considerat­ion, your job will become restrictin­g and self-limiting, instead of a vehicle for the expression of your deepest desires and beliefs. When choosing a career, you will find more happiness and fulfillmen­t if you think of it as a vocation. The word “vocation” comes from the Latin word for “calling”, which comes from the word for voice. Thus, your career should be something that gives “voice” to who you are and what you wish to express to the world.

Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you seek in the world.” Ideally, our vocation should be a vehicle to make this change a reality.

Finding a vocation is often not easy. We can’t really decide what career we want just by thinking about it; we have to try it out and see how it fits. Give yourself the opportunit­y to let your work take you over until it becomes you and you become it. Only then can you truly decide whether to embrace it or abandon it.

Follow your heart and soul’s desire, and do what they tell you to. No amount of security or wealth is worth ignoring your heart and soul’s desire. Choose a vocation, and not a job, and your life will never be the same.

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