The Record (Troy, NY)

Jeff Sessions, please don’t resign

- Ruth Marcus Columnist

Words I never imagined typing: Attorney General Jeff Sessions, please stay.

It’s obvious that President Trump wants you to go. He and his aides have made that blindingly, humiliatin­gly clear. But it’s also obvious that Trump does not want to do the deed himself.

You may be a dead attorney general walking. Still, don’t make the president’s job any easier by going gently. Don’t enable this cowardly lawlessnes­s. Certainly, you serve at the president’s pleasure, and he has made his displeasur­e abundantly clear. The source of it is — from my point of view — pretty much the one thing you have done correctly during your tenure at the Justice Department: You recused yourself from overseeing the probe into Russian meddling in the election.

This was the correct call, and not a close one. If anything, it took you too long to get there; your recusal came only after reports about your misleading testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee about your Russian contacts during the campaign.

Your decision to recuse yourself from the Russia probe was not, as Trump claimed in his petulant New York Times interview, “very unfair to the president” — it was clearly mandated by Justice Department regulation­s, which provide that “no employee shall participat­e in a criminal investigat­ion or prosecutio­n if he has a personal or political relationsh­ip” with its subject. The regulation­s define a political relationsh­ip as “a close identifica­tion with an elected official ... arising from service as a principal adviser thereto.”

So staying in your post, as long as you can, notwithsta­nding the pressure on you to quit and the accompanyi­ng embarrassm­ent of sticking around when you are clearly not wanted, would be a win for the rule of law. Let the president try to convince the country — let him try to convince a Senate that would ultimately be called on to confirm a new attorney general — that firing you served the national interest, not his own personal political, and legal, needs. Don’t make it easy for him.

No question, Trump can fire you. He can fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Other senior officials, if they maintain a shred of respect for themselves and the Constituti­on, would probably leave as well. Trump could then fire, or, more precisely, find or install someone willing to fire, special counsel Robert Mueller. He can hand out pardons, perhaps even to himself. That’s all on him, and he would reap the political whirlwind that I trust would follow, notwithsta­nding the spinelessn­ess among congressio­nal Republican­s that appears to be a widespread, pre-existing condition.

In the meantime, what should you do? A speech on the independen­ce of the Justice Department and the necessity that justice be dispensed without regard to politics sounds awfully timely. Explain the judgment you reached that department regulation­s and basic considerat­ions of conflict of interest prevented you from remaining in charge of the Russia probe. Defend the decision to name a special counsel and explain that these are the very circumstan­ces that warrant — indeed, demand — a special counsel, so that the public has confidence in the outcome of the investigat­ion.

And you might turn to the wisdom of your predecesso­rs to explain the proper, if complex, contours of the relationsh­ip between president and attorney general. Griffin Bell, President Carter’s attorney general, explained in a 1978 speech that “the president retains the power and the duty to accept or reject the attorney general’s judgments . ... The course best calculated, however, to inspire public confidence in the faithful execution of the laws is for the president to allow the attorney general freedom from undue influence, in the first instance; to accept the attorney general’s judgment in specific cases; and to remove him if his judgments seem wrong.”

If the president wants to can you, he should explain in what sense — other than that it threatens his political and legal wellbeing — your judgments, including to recuse yourself, have been wrong.

Or — brace yourself — you might invoke Eric Holder, President Obama’s first attorney general, outlining how the White House and Justice Department should interact. “The legal judgments of the Department of Justice must be impartial and insulated from political influence,” Holder wrote in a 2009 memo. “It is imperative that the department’s investigat­ory and prosecutor­ial powers be exercised free from partisan considerat­ion.”

An unlikely source for you to quote, but advice that every attorney general — and every president — must live by.

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