The Record (Troy, NY)

Astrology: Take a look at your daily horoscope

- Jacqueline Bigar Your Stars

Happy birthday: for Sunday, Aug. 6. This year you are very aware of others’ roles in your life. Those around you find you to be magnetic but not always approachab­le. You can be very warm and open at times, yet remote and closed down at other times. If you are single, these mood swings could affect a budding relationsh­ip. Find someone who accepts you as you are. If you are attached, the two of you could have a very exciting year. Learn to respect your different values and perspectiv­es, and you’ll both be a lot happier. AQUARIUS values you as a friend.

Aries (March 21-April 19):

★★★★ You feel more upbeat and less pressured than you have in a long time. If someone dares to challenge you or stress you out in any way, you are likely to set him or her straight. Go off and enjoy a favorite sport or activity. Use your high energy well. Tonight: Where the fun is.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

★★★ You might be a little too organized and responsibl­e to flee the scene today and simply have a good time. Be a little self-indulgent. A family member could be very demanding. Just go with the flow. Don’t get boxed into doing something you don’t want to do. Tonight: Happy at home.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

★★★★ You could be at the end of a long process. You have been trying to gain a fresh perspectiv­e on an important matter that might have serious implicatio­ns for your life. You are quick to get angry if you feel pushed. Step away from the situation and go see a movie. Tonight: Out late.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

★★★★ You seem to be at the point where you want to head in a new direction. You might want to make a major purchase that could change your life for the better. Your willingnes­s to work with a loved one makes today more pleasant. Tonight: Meet with friends.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

★★★★ You feel energetic. The real issue is how you express this high energy. You might pick a fight, or perhaps you’ll opt to go to the gym. Be careful, as you could become sarcastic as well. Do yourself and others a favor, and think before you speak. Tonight: Let off some steam.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

★★★★ You will make a difference where it counts. If you notice that you suddenly become irate and difficult, ask yourself what is going on within yourself; you could be suppressin­g some anger. Avoid having a knee-jerk reaction. Tonight: Get your errands done first.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

★★★★★ You have a vivid sense of humor, which could emerge at any moment. When playing with a child, you’ll have fun role-playing or making up a new game. With friends and family, funny scenarios are likely to pop up. Tonight: Live it up!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

★★★ You might experience a lot of tension as you attempt to relax at home. Figure out the source of your stress, and then eliminate it. This action could be as easy as giving up a judgment you are making. Opt to take a long walk or head to the movies. Tonight: Get a head start on tomorrow.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

★★★★ Don’t hold back, but do indulge in some diplomacy. You will come out a surefire winner, and the other parties involved will appreciate your sensitivit­y and openness. Bring friends together for a fun afternoon. Allow more excitement into your life. Tonight: Among the crowds.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

★★★★★ One-on-one relating is highlighte­d, especially if money is involved. You might not always agree with a partner or loved one, and today is no exception. Don’t let the situation escalate; instead, find another means to the same end. Tonight: Make it your treat.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18):

★★ ★ ★ You could be full of energy. Invite a friend out for a fun happening and a meal. Getting away from the here and now permits additional bonding to occur. Refuse to get into negativity and don’t take a sharp comment personally. Tonight: Be yourself.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

★★★★ You will want to run some errands and/or complete a project. You might want to make the upcoming workweek easier on yourself. Why not schedule a massage as well? Others will want you to join them, but give yourself permission to say ‘’no.’’ Tonight: Whatever suits you.

Born today: Artist Andy Warhol (1928), actress Catherine Hicks (1951), former U.S. first lady Edith Roosevelt (1861)

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