The Record (Troy, NY)

Gym stench

- Annie Lane Dear Annie

DEAR ANNIE » This morning, I spent 45 minutes in a relatively small space participat­ing in a biweekly Spin class. It’s a great class with a bunch of regulars, and I usually enjoy it very much. This morning, however, the small room smelled like the compost pile of a funereal f lorist.

A not- so-regular attendee, drenched in essential oils, was exercising away and completely unaware or unconcerne­d that she was infusing the rest of us with rotten f lora. I have been going to this gym for 30 years and worked up health sweats with bunches of other people doing the same. I’m not hypersensi­tive to body odor or the average stuff that comes in a spray or mist, but I left today’s class 15 minutes early with a headache.

I know that sometimes the combinatio­ns of oils people mix to treat their aches in body or psyche make for a cloud of funk. Even I use an arthritis cream and apply it after I shower in the morning, and I’m sure that whatever mild odor it holds goes with me out the door. I know that sometimes the aroma is part of the treatment or cure. But where is the line between feeling better and stinking up the place?

— Wondering Why at the Y in


DEAR WONDERING WHY » It’s time to clear the air, whether by talking directly to this woman or by talking to the instructor privately. Many cycling and hot-yoga websites specifical­ly ask that participan­ts not wear perfume or cologne. Your instructor might make an announceme­nt to this end at the start of class or include that informatio­n where the class listing is posted.

As a rule, it’s best to wash off any fragrances before hitting the gym and sweating in an enclosed space with strangers or, for that matter, friends — anyone with a nose.

DEAR ANNIE » I have a friend, “Stuart,” whom I’ve known for 10 years now. He’s been a good friend. The problem is that every time we catch up for a drink, he’s always talking about his parents, who passed away a year apart from each other. It’s been three years now, but without fail, he’ll talk about his parents incessantl­y every time we get together. I try to sympathize with him. But also, I want to see him move on. How can I do that? I’ve always heard time heals.

— At a Loss

DEAR AT A LOSS » Time does heal a great deal, but it’s no panacea. Stuart seems to need something more to help him process and progress. Encourage him to see a counselor or find a grief support group. Be patient with him, and continue being the good friend that you are.

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As a rule, it’s best to wash off any fragrances before hitting the gym and sweating in an enclosed space with strangers or, for that matter, friends — anyone with a nose.

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