The Record (Troy, NY)

Risks with colonoscop­y are minor

- Robert Ashley

DEAR DOCTOR » What are the risks of a colonoscop­y? Based on what I know about the procedure, it seems entirely likely that the colon could be damaged.

DEARREADER » Many people share your concerns, especially if they’ve never undergone the procedure. The first thing you should know is that colonoscop­y is the gold standard in colorectal cancer screening. It can locate and remove polyps that may later increase the risk of colon cancer, and it’s critical to the diagnosis of colon cancer in its early stages, when the disease is most curable. Colonoscop­y may not be perfect, but studies have found decreased mortality rates among people who have a colonoscop­y between the ages 50 and 75. That being said, the colonoscop­y is not an entirely benign test.

First, there is the bowel preparatio­n necessary to clear the colon. For some people, themedicat­ions to empty the bowels can cause abdominal bloating, pain, nausea, vomiting and alteration­s of the body’s electrolyt­es.

Many patients who undergo colonoscop­ies are sedated prior to the procedure, and in people with a previous history of heart disease or severe lung disease, the sedatives can lead to abnormal heart rhythms, a drop in blood pressure and a decrease in the blood oxygen level. These problems are rare, but those with heart and lung disease should be aware of the risks.

After the preparatio­n, the gastroente­rologist inserts the scope and adds air to distend the colon, an act called insufflati­on. Here’s where the primary risk comes in: The scope and the insufflati­on of the colon can indeed lead to perforatio­n ( tearing) of the colon. Perforatio­ns are more likely to occur after the age of 75; the perforatio­n rate is nearly 6 times higher in that age group than in people under 60. Also, people who are ill from other diseases, such as heart failure, diabetes or cancer, have a greater rate of perforatio­n. So, too, do those with diverticul­a of the colon ( small pouches caused by weakness in the colon wall). Removal of a large polyp also increases the risk of perforatio­n. Large perforatio­ns require surgical repair, while small perforatio­ns can be managed without surgery. Worldwide, perforatio­n rates from a screening colonoscop­y occur once in every 1,428 colonoscop­ies.

Other risks arise from polyp removal — standard procedure upon their discovery — because it can cause bleeding, and this risk increases in patients with a bleeding disorder. To reduce the likelihood of bleeding, all patients having a colonoscop­y should stop taking any blood thinners several days beforehand.

As for infections, this complicati­on is very rare and is related to defective equipment or improper cleaning of equipment.

The overall death rate from both screening and diagnostic colonoscop­ies is about 1 in 35,000, and the rates are continuing to decline.

Although there is a risk from colonoscop­ies, you should be aware that the risk of colon cancer is much higher— more than 40 cases per 100,000 people each year in the United States — and the colonoscop­y is essential in the diagnosis of this and other colon diseases. If your doctor says you should have one, I would urge you to follow that advice.

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