The Record (Troy, NY)

We need to teach our children that ‘no’ always means ‘no’

- Esther J. Cepeda Columnist Esther Cepeda’s email address is estherjcep­eda@washpost. com, or follow her on Twitter: @ estherjcep­eda.

There are few more thankless jobs in America than being a parent and a teacher. In elementary schools, they’re even sort of similar: Little-to-no personal space, unexpected volcanic tantrums and plenty of runny noses.

Then there are the sex scandals.

Yes, in elementary schools.

I once taught in a grade school where I witnessed boys and girls physically fighting each other over who had possession of a boyfriend or girlfriend. Students held open discussion­s of sex and lashed out at foes with such sexually bullying behavior as homophobic put- downs and explicit rumors about their classmates. Though alarming, these sorts of behaviors shouldn’t come as a surprise in a society that uses sex to sell everything from shampoo to internet domain registry services. Children are sexualized — and entering puberty — at younger and younger ages.

Dr. Andre Perry, an education fellow at the Brookings Institutio­n, wrote a column recently in The Hechinger Report calling for schools to teach girls and boys that “no” means “no.”

“Respecting personal space is a message that hasn’t been heard loud enough thus far,” Perry wrote.

As a teacher, I’ve spent years in a wide range of elementary and high schools — urban and suburban, upper-middle-class and very low-income, majority white and majority-minority. The administra­tion and teachers at all of these schools prioritize­d “teaching basic notions of consent and respect for the word ‘no,’” as Perry called it — albeit to varying effect.

Still, some kids come from cultures where hugging and being physically close is normal school behavior. Others act out and may experiment by trying behaviors they see on TV, in movies, on YouTube and in social media feeds they’re exposed to by older friends and family.

Perry acknowledg­ed that “schools are not responsibl­e for all of individual­s’ social behaviors.” This made me stop and consider my role as a parent in teaching the basic tenets of consent.

It was uncomforta­ble for me to realize how many mixed messages all of us send our children when trying to balance their boundaries with family expectatio­ns.

Surveying parenting advice on how to teach children about affirmativ­e consent, I shuddered.

When my sons were younger, I definitely uttered the phrase “boys will be boys.” It was always in reference to them trying to annoy each other to death or getting into ridiculous wrestling matches at the dinner table. But it’s best eradicated from our language since it is so often used to justify bad behavior that (BEG ITAL)can(END ITAL) be controlled, but isn’t, because it’s perceived as likely to get a pass.

Also toxic is the fight-related phrase, “What did you do to make him hit you?” It implies that an aggressor is sometimes entitled to lose control. Let’s all stop saying that in favor of, “Tell me everything that happened and start from the beginning.”

Then there were all the times I made my kids hug and kiss distant relatives or friends of the family whom they barely knew, because it was expected. So many of us were raised that way that we’ve never stopped to think about the message it sends.

“Often, we force kids to give hugs to relatives, receive a pat on the back from a coach, or give a kiss on the cheek to a family friend because it seems harmless,” wrote Michelle Dominique Burk on the website EverydayFe­ “In the event that a kid says, ‘ I don’t want to,’ they are often met with disapprova­l — and then are forced to do it anyway.”

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