The Record (Troy, NY)

Candidates channeling late-night infomercia­ls

- George Will’s email address is

A four-word phrase common on late-night television, exclaimed by announcers giddy about their offers: “Buy this kitchen knife that is so sharp it can slice and dice diamonds, and we’ll throw in a nonstick frying pan that can double as a satellite dish. BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! If you call immediatel­y, we’ll include a homeopathi­c cure for sciatica.”

Today’s Democratic presidenti­al candidates sound like latenight infomercia­ls: “A Green New Deal! Medicare-for-all! Reparation­s for some! Free college for the young! Increased Social Security for the elderly! BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! At no additional cost, you get Modern Monetary Theory.”

MMT, which supposedly banishes nitpicking worries about how to pay for things, is the Democrats’ intellectu­al breakthrou­gh du jour. Although the theory re- mains somewhat hazy (or as Democrats say about their unempirica­l flights of fancy, MMT is beautifull­y “aspiration­al”), it is this :

The nation has fiat money — currency whose issuer will not convert it into something valuable (e.g., gold) but that the public accepts is a reliable store of value. A government that controls its currency need never run short of it. Therefore (non sequitur alert) the government can borrow and expand the money supply sufficient­ly to allow spending to proceed without reference to government revenues, as long as interest rates are, and are apt to remain, low. In the words of three MMT believers (Stephanie Kelton, economics professor and former Bernie Sanders campaign adviser; Andres Bernal, doctoral student and adviser to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Greg Carlock, a climate researcher): “Anything that is technicall­y feasible is financiall­y affordable.”

Actually, MMT teaches that (BEG ITAL)everything(END ITAL), feasible or not, is afford- able in the sense that government can always come up with fiat money with which to pay for it. So, it is not just that happy days are here again; it is that never in the long human story of intractabl­e scarcities have there been days as happy as those that MMT promises.

Two more sober men, both Democrats, are too intelligen­t and experience­d to have written what they did recently — a month before last week’s announceme­nt that the budget deficit for October through January was 77 percent larger than in those four months a year earlier. They wrote a Foreign Affairs essay deploring what they, and surely they alone, see as Washington’s dangerous “obsession” with budget deficits. Lawrence Summers, former treasury secretary and current Harvard economics professor, and Jason Furman, currently at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and formerly (2013-2017) chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, argue that “the economics of deficits have changed,” for plausible reasons that we shall come to. But first:

In Washington, the behavioral (as distinct from rhetorical) “deficit hawk” is not a rara avis, it is extinct. The current president was elected after promising not to touch the major entitlemen­ts (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) that are drivers of the deficit. When the unsustaina­ble trajectory of the entitlemen­ts was explained to the current president, he reportedly said, “Yeah, but I won’t be here.” With a nominal Republican president and rhetorical Republican­s running all of Congress until 10 weeks ago, the deficit is approachin­g $1 trillion with the economy humming, and the national debt heading toward 100 percent of GDP, which it last exceeded in 1946 in the immediate aftermath of a world war.

So, who is obsessed, and how does this obsession manifest itself? Try to name — as Summers and Furman do not — (BEG ITAL)one(END ITAL) Washington deficit obsessive. The political class, which is more united by class interest than it is divided by ideology, has a permanent incen- tive for deficit spending, which burdens future generation­s with a significan­t portion of the cost of today’s consumptio­n of government goods and services.

Summers and Furman stop far short of MMT fantasy. Good empiricist­s, they say only this: Because soaring deficits have not kindled inflation and the interest rate on government borrowing has declined and government borrowing has not crowded out private borrowing, we can safely have more government debt than has previously been considered prudent. Summers’ and Furman’s prudence, however, might be crowded out by MMT’s intoxicati­ng effect on their party.

For decades, governing by both parties has been a practice in search of a justifying theory. Today, MMT rationaliz­es the Democratic presidenti­al candidates’ bidding for progressiv­es’ support, making the bidding (BEG ITAL) entirely(END ITAL) uninhibite­d by revenue considerat­ions. So, to the list of memorable party slogans, from “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” to “It’s Morning Again in America,” add this: “BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE!”

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