The Record (Troy, NY)

Dems strain to claim they can fundraise

- By Brian Slodysko Associated Press

WASHINGTON » Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, little known outside his home state, boasts he raised over $1 million in the days after launching his White House bid. Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenloop­er and others say they did, too.

Impressive numbers, even if dwarfed by the $6 million or so reported by Bernie Sanders and now Beto O’Rourke .

The seven- digit figures for the lesser-known Democratic hopefuls don’t lie, but they don’t tell the whole story either. Early bursts of donations don’t happen by accident, especially for candidates with little national name recognitio­n such as Inslee, who hit his target thanks in part to an email list of donors he’s cultivated for months.

He’s among a crowded field of more than a dozen Democrats who are feverishly trying to show they can raise big money and realistica­lly challenge Republican President Donald Trump. With the first-quarter fundraisin­g deadline looming, some are straining credulity to give the impression of a spontaneou­s groundswel­l of support.

In addition to Inslee and Hickenloop­er, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and California Sen. Kamala Harris have boasted they raised $1 million or more in the hours and days after launching their campaigns.

What that signifies is less clear.

“It’s a strange goal post for viability, and there are a lot of tricks you can use to come up with that number,” said Tim Lim, a Democratic strategist who worked for Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s campaigns. However, he added: “It’s a great talking point.”

So how do you get to $1 million within 24, 48 or 72 hours?

Candidates like Vermont Sen. Sanders and former Texas Rep. O’Rourke have used their star power to quickly raise astronomic­al sums. O’Rourke announced on Monday that he edged

Sanders by pulling in $6.1 million in the 24 hours after his launch.

But a wide range of tools are available to help the lesser-known White House hopefuls.

They include rented fundraisin­gs email lists, targeted social media ads (which all candidates use) and revenue sharing agreements, which allow interest groups to raise money for their own causes while splitting it with a favorite candidate. Fundraisin­g commitment­s are often lined up in advance, while creative accounting maneuvers can be used to pad the bottom line.

Senators have a leg up. They can take money from existing federal campaign accounts, while governors are largely barred from doing the same with their state accounts.

Before his early March launch, Inslee spent months running targeted ads that asked Facebook users to fork over their email addresses to join his fight against climate change — now the signature issue of his campaign. At the same time, Inslee, who was then head of the Democratic Gov-

ernors Associatio­n, made prospectin­g trips to states including New York and California.

He started collecting larger checks from convention­al donors in the weeks before the launch. Then, shortly after announcing his run, his campaign blasted out thousands of fundraisin­g emails and the online money started to roll in, which he juiced by making rounds on the talk show circuit.

Within about three days, he reached the magic $1 million figure — and his campaign issued a news release.

The fundraisin­g effort was described by two Inslee aides who insisted on anonymity in order to discuss the inner workings of his campaign.

Michael Duncan, a Republican digital strategist, said numbers posted by lesser- known candidates

are likely to be less grassroots and more “the campaign equivalent of AstroTurf.” But Duncan, who formerly handled digital strategy for the insurgent tea party group FreedomWor­ks, said it was a shrewd

tactic. Particular­ly now that the Democratic National Committee is using online fundraisin­g, with an emphasis on low- dollar contributi­ons spread out across many donors to qualify for the debate stage.

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