The Record (Troy, NY)

What to say (or not say) to someone who is grieving

- — Tongue-Tied — P. Grant in Prescott, Arizona

DEARANNIE » A close friend’s father died suddenly two months ago, and she’s been distant ever since. We’re relatively young, and this is my first experience having a close friend lose a parent. I’m not sure what to say to her. I hate seeing her in pain. I’ve tried to tell her that she’s strong, but she shrugs it off. What do you say to offer encouragem­ent to someone who’s mourning?

DEARTONGUE-TIED: THE PRESSURE’SOFF » There are no magic words you could say to take your friend’s pain away. When it comes to supporting someone who is grieving, it’s not about what you say but how you listen.

The following tips come courtesy of psychother­apist and grief advocate Megan Devine, author of “It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand.”

“How to Help a Grieving Friend” (SET ITAL)Be willing to stand beside the gaping hole that has opened in your friend’s life, without flinching or turning away. Your steadiness of presence is the absolute best thing you can give.

Don’t compare griefs. No one else has experience­d their grief.

Do ask questions. You can connect by showing curiosity about their experience.

Don’t fact check or correct. Especially in early grief, facts and timelines can be confused.

Do respect their experience. It’s not important who’s “more” correct.

Don’t minimize. Even if you might think their grief is out of proportion to the situation.

Do remember this grief is theirs. Grief belongs to the griever. Your opinions are irrelevant.

Don’t give compliment­s. When someone is in pain, they don’t need to be reminded how wonderful they are.

Do trust your friend. All the things you love about the person will help them through this experience.

Don’t be a cheerleade­r. When things are dark, it’s OK to be dark.

Do mirror their reality. When they say, “This sucks,” say, “Yes, it does.”

Don’t talk about “later.” Right now, in this present moment, that future is irrelevant.

Do stay in the present moment. Or if the person is talking about the past, join them there.

Don’t evangelize. When something has worked for you, it’s tempting to prescribe it for others.

Do trust their self-care. They know themselves best. What works for you may not be for them.

Don’t start with solutions. In most cases, people need to feel heard, not be “fixed.”

Do get consent before you offer advice or strategies.

Show up. Listen. Don’t Fix.(END ITAL) For more informatio­n on helping a grieving loved one, visit https://www.refugeingr­

DEARANNIE » As I read the letter from “Never Enough,” I could not help but feel that the writer has a pretty good life and has not experience­d any losses through illness or death. When you lose a spouse, a child or a parent, you appreciate what you have even more. It is very humbling.

“Never Enough” might benefit from doing some volunteer work helping others less fortunate. It will open his eyes to what he has. Life is just not about material things.

I am a firm believer in counseling and am happy he is seeking help. I hope that he will be given the tools to find what he feels is missing in his life. There is always a rainbow after every storm. But if you don’t look for it, you won’t see it. Life is good, and I am loving it.

DEARP. GRANT » Well said. I’m happy to print your letter, not just for “Never Enough” but also for all of us who are in positions to volunteer or give back to our communitie­s.

Somewhere in between the emotion of fear that investors felt just a few years ago when the Dow Jones Industrial Average hovered around 6,500 and now as that same index sets records almost on a daily basis, there exists a time where investors can act in a rational manner, a place like now.

At this time, it is critical to make an intelligen­t evaluation of your financial picture, unencumber­ed by emotion, to determine the right course of action. Some steps you might want to take, not in any particular order, include.

Redefine your financial objectives. This should be done before and after you take an evaluation of your current financial position. A look before may include “perhaps we will have to work until age sixty-five rather than age sixty-two” or “perhaps we will not be able to pay off our home in twelve years, but rather it may take fifteen.” Redefining or reevaluati­ng your financial objectives prior to determinin­g your current position allows one to weigh the merits of that redefiniti­on.

It also may help you to look at alternativ­es as your financial picture emerges. For example, your initial thought that you might need to work three more years may end up being modified to “perhaps we will need to work parttime from age sixty-two until sixty-five.” Regardless, if you redefine your financial goals up front it will help you to recognize the sacrifice necessary to accomplish those goals.

Calculate the value of all of your current assets. As one would do prior to making a journey, before you can determine the best route to take to reach your destinatio­n, you first have to determine your starting point. Many individual­s can readily sum up their bank accounts, Certificat­es of Deposit, Individual Retirement Accounts, Brokerage Accounts, Stock Holdings, and Employer Sponsored Plans such as their 401( k), 403( b) or Deferred Compensati­on, but do not have a handle on their Defined Benefit Plan (monthly income that some employers provide to their retirees), a projection of Social Security Benefits, the cash value of life insurance policies or an approximat­ion of the current value of their home, all of which can be sources of income.

Calculate your liabilitie­s, including how much do you owe on revolving debt such as credit cards as well as non-revolving debt such as your mortgage or automobile loan. Furthermor­e, perhaps you are paying on a student loan from one of your children. Although theoretica­lly this is not your debt, if you are paying it, it should be considered as yours for this purpose.

There it is, a simple balance sheet. Assets minus liabilitie­s equals your net worth, your starting point. No, we are not considerin­g the value of your car or household items as they will most likely depreciate down to little or no value. However, if you have accumulate­d any such items as investment­s with an intention of ultimately selling, then go ahead and estimate their value and add them to your personal balance sheet.

Determine your monthly living expenses. Be liberal and include vacations, entertainm­ent, car repairs, home improvemen­t and holiday gifts. Once having done so, establish a budget and then keep track of your expenses over the next three months to get a better handle on your actual expenses. Be sure to enter everything. If you’re like us, you are spending way too much on day-to-day expenses such as going out to eat rather than eating home.

This begs the question, which is more important going out to dinner several times a week or reaching your goals. Quality of life versus achieving your financial objectives is a personal decision and one that you will most likely wrestle with constantly.

We do.

Estimate the amount of money you will need to save on a monthly basic to achieve your goals assuming an annual return of no more than five percent. Don’t go out on a limb. Be conservati­ve in your growth projection­s and most likely, from these levels in the stock market, you will be happily surprised rather than disappoint­ed in the ultimate outcome. That said, we suggest using an inflation rate of three percent or so to help you take into considerat­ion the negative impact of inflation.

There are a number of websites that you can go to, put in the current value of your investment­s, enter an amount that you are saving monthly and a rate of return on that investment. The website will provide you with a balance at your prescribed time.

Finally, with all of this informatio­n at hand, take another look at your financial objectives. Perhaps they will need to be modified or perhaps you will need to modify some of the discretion­ary items you buy. That’s up to you, but at least you will now have your roadmap to get you where you want to go. The only question is how long it will take to get there.

Either way, enjoy the ride! After all, we only go around once in life.

Please note that all data is for general informatio­n purposes only and not meant as specific recommenda­tions. The opinions of the authors are not a recommenda­tion to buy or sell the stock, bond market or any security contained therein. Securities contain risks and fluctuatio­ns in principal will occur. Please research any investment thoroughly prior to committing money or consult with your financial advisor. Please note that Fagan Associates, Inc or related persons buy or sell for itself securities that it also recommends to clients. Consult with your financial advisor prior to making any changes to your portfolio. To contact Fagan Associates, Please call (518) 279-1044.

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