The Record (Troy, NY)

Gov. Cuomo, it’s time to release your emergency powers

- Assemblywo­man Walsh represents the 112th Assembly District, which consists of parts of Saratoga and Schenectad­y counties. For more informatio­n, please visit Assemblywo­man Walsh’s Official Website.

As our state continues to take steps to reopen, with several aspects of Phase 4 adopted throughout various regions in the state, it’s time for the governor to relinquish his emergency powers.

These powers granted to him back in early March were supposed to be temporary. If we are at a point where we are in a Phase 4 reopening, and New York has begun helping other states, like Georgia, that are struggling, it is probably fair to say that it is time for our three branches of government to resume their usual functionin­g.

When we finally reconvened the Legislativ­e Session in late May, my colleagues and I in the Assembly Minority Conference proposed an amendment that would allow the governor to immediatel­y act during periods of emergency, but not unilateral­ly through continuous extensions of Executive Orders, and also restore legislativ­e authority and our system of checks and balances. Unfortunat­ely, despite returning to Albany a few times since its introducti­on, the measure continues to languish.

Gov. Cuomo has repeatedly said we must be guided by the data during this pandemic, and I agree. The data shows our state is recovering as the number of cases continues to decline. There’s no need for the governor to continue to hold on to his emergency powers. As our residents continue to adjust to the “new normal” in their day-to- day lives, and as one of the only legislator­s sitting in a socially- distanced Assembly Chamber throughout the duration of each session proceeding, I believe it’s time for the Legislatur­e to return to our “new normal” as well.

Although I commend the governor’s leadership during a very trying time in our state and nation’s history, I do wish the Legislatur­e was given the opportunit­y to properly lend its voice and perspectiv­e throughout the pandemic. In the span of only 55 days, he changed 262 laws, some of which were certainly a far stretch in terms of being related to COVID-19 response.

Colleagues of mine on both sides of the aisle sponsor legislatio­n to relinquish these far-reaching powers, and we are not alone in our calls for action. Good government and reform groups such as Common Cause New York, NYPIRG, the League of Women Voters of New York and Reinvent Albany have written the governor and state legislativ­e leaders asking that his powers be limited to a period of time and only extended per the approval of the Legislatur­e.

The checks and balances of the Legislatur­e must be returned. As representa­tives, we know what’s best for the families, businesses and industries in our districts. We hear their calls for help each day. My office is inundated with calls, emails and messages all day long from residents airing their concerns – many of which have to do with how the governor has abused his

Executive Authority since it was granted to him in March.

One voice should not continue to speak for all 19.5 million residents of New York. Our residents deserve the right to have their voices heard in the process moving forward – as their representa­tives we must have the ability to ensure that they are.

 ??  ?? Mary Beth Walsh
Mary Beth Walsh

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