The Record (Troy, NY)

The Democrats’ Swalwell problem

- Byron York

House Democratic leaders are trying to keep the espionage scandal surroundin­g Intelligen­ce Committee member Rep. Eric Swalwell under tight control.

But it’s going to be an uphill battle.

Republican­s are pushing harder and harder to learn more about Swalwell’s relationsh­ip with Chinese spy Christine Fang. And the Democrats’ strongest ally — The New York Times, which has averted its eyes and so far refused to publish even one word about the matter — can’t hold out forever.

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is demanding the FBI brief all members of the Intelligen­ce Committee on what the bureau knows about the relationsh­ip between Swalwell and Fang. That relationsh­ip began sometime after Fang arrived in the U.S. in 2011, before Swalwell was elected to Congress, and continued through 2015, by which time Swalwell had won election to the House, and Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi picked him for a coveted spot on the Intelligen­ce Committee.

U.S. authoritie­s had Fang under surveillan­ce, and apparently picked up informatio­n about her having some sort of personal relationsh­ip with a member of Congress — Swalwell. In 2015, the FBI met with Swalwell — again, a member of the Intelligen­ce Committee — to inform him that Fang was a spy. Swalwell says he immediatel­y cut off all contact with Fang, who quickly left the U.S. in mid-2015.

In the next year, 2016, Swalwell started accusing the Trump campaign of collusion with Russia. He proposed a 9/11-style commission to investigat­e the alleged influence of Russian spy agencies with then-candidate Donald Trump and top members of his campaign. No one in the public knew it at the time, but Swalwell had just recently had some sort of involvemen­t with a spy himself — one the FBI had actually warned him about.

As 2016 and 2017 went on, Swalwell became one of the leading voices attacking President Trump and his Republican defenders on the debunked Russia issue.

Now, Republican­s look back on those days and are amazed that Swalwell would play the role of attack dog when he himself had been in close contact with a foreign spy.

“Democrats spent four years accusing Republican­s of cozying up to foreign spies when the Democrats themselves were doing that,” said Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the Intelligen­ce Committee, in a statement. “Now my Republican colleagues are asking me if there are Democrat pee tapes and if they’re being blackmaile­d with naked pictures of their party leaders.

“Maybe all the Democrats’ accusation­s stem from what’s really happening to them.”

There’s a lot of history in that statement. The “pee tape” remark is a reference to the Steele dossier, which, among other false allegation­s, spread the story that private citizen Donald Trump had watched as prostitute­s performed a kinky sex act in a Moscow hotel room in 2013 as Russian intelligen­ce services filmed the entire episode.

Swalwell was enormously interested in, perhaps obsessed with, the “pee tape.” In November 2017, when the Intelligen­ce Committee interviewe­d Keith Schiller, a bodyguard who accompanie­d Trump to Moscow, Swalwell asked question after question after question about the hotel room story.

He never got anywhere, because there was no story to tell.

For the GOP, the important thing right now is to learn exactly what the FBI knows about the case. Last week, McCarthy received an FBI briefing on the matter — the FBI had actually canceled the briefing twice before finally consenting. But the briefing was just for McCarthy and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who were the only two members in the room.

The informatio­n was classified, and both are forbidden from discussing what was said, which helps Pelosi keep a lid on the matter. But McCarthy made no secret of his belief that the Swalwell case is a very big deal.

“One thing that was fundamenta­lly answered — he should not be on Intel,” McCarthy said after the briefing. In a later interview with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum, McCarthy said, “I can’t tell you about what [was in the briefing], but I can tell you this. What I learned today, and anyone who was in that room with me would never allow Swalwell to be on the Intel

Committee, or to continue to be on it.”

If any leaders knew about the Swalwell informatio­n earlier, McCarthy said, “he should not be serving.” That was a direct shot at Pelosi, who had picked the ambitious young congressma­n for the committee.

The next step for Republican­s is to get the FBI to brief all the members of the Intelligen­ce Committee. If more members, including members of Pelosi’s party, learn the facts of the case, there will be increasing pressure on Pelosi to do something about it. McCarthy, said one Hill Republican, “thinks both Republican­s and Democrats would agree that the informatio­n contained in the briefing would lead folks to conclude Swalwell should not be on the committee.”

It’s unclear when that FBI briefing will occur. Perhaps Pelosi will try to block it. Perhaps she can delay things for a while. But with a diminished majority next year, the speaker will have other fights to fight.

At some point, the Eric Swalwell story will come out.

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