The Record (Troy, NY)



Today is Sunday, Dec. 27, the 362nd day of 2020. There are four days left in the year.

Today’s Highlight in History:

On Dec. 27, 1979, Soviet forces seized control of Afghanista­n. President Hafizullah Amin ( hah-FEE’-zoo-lah ah-MEEN’), who was overthrown and executed, was replaced by Babrak Karmal. On this date:

In 1822, scientist Louis Pasteur was born in Dole, France.

In 1831, naturalist Charles Darwin set out on a roundthe-world voyage aboard the HMS Beagle.

In 1945, the World Bank and the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund were formally establishe­d.

In 1958, American physicist James Van Allen reported the discovery of a second radiation belt around Earth, in addition to one found earlier in the year.

In 1968, Apollo 8 and its three astronauts made a safe, nighttime splashdown in the Pacific.

In 1985, Palestinia­n guerrillas opened fire inside the Rome and Vienna airports; 19 victims were killed, plus four attackers who were slain by police and security personnel. American naturalist Dian Fossey, 53, who had studied gorillas in the wild in Rwanda, was found hacked to death.

In 1995, Israeli jeeps sped out of the West Bank town of Ramallah, capping a sevenweek pullout giving Yasser Arafat control over 90 percent of the West Bank’s 1 million Palestinia­n residents and one-third of its land.

In 1999, Space shuttle Discovery and its seven-member crew returned to Earth after fixing the Hubble Space Telescope.

In 2000, President Bill Clinton put the first Black judge on the 4th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals serving several Southern states. ( The nomination of Roger Gregory had been stalled in the Senate, but Clinton used a recess appointmen­t to put him on the bench.)

In 2001, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld announced that Taliban and al-Qaida prisoners would be held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

In 2002, a defiant North Korea ordered U.N. nuclear inspectors to leave the country and said it would restart a laboratory capable of producing plutonium for nuclear weapons; the U.N. nuclear watchdog said its inspectors were “staying put” for the time being.

In 2016, actor Carrie Fisher died in a hospital four days after suffering a medical emergency aboard a flight to Los Angeles; she was 60.

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