The Record (Troy, NY)

Rising prices

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@

Today’s Sound Off is about rising prices.

DEAR HELOISE » Now that we are isolating ourselves due to COVID-19, many of us are buying things online and having them delivered to our homes. Of course, there is a delivery fee and a tip for the driver, which I don’t mind paying. I think that’s only fair. However, I’ve noticed how prices have risen sharply over the past 12 months. I don’t mean just a few cents here and there, but rather by a dollar or more. This is very evident at my local grocery store. Last year my weekly bill for groceries was $90. This year, it’s closer to $130 per week.

While driving today, I heard on the news that used cars are up 45% over last year this time, and real estate prices are through the roof. Even clothing has taken a major increase. This has caused me and several other people I know to cut back on what we buy.

It looks like just plain greed to take advantage of people during this time of national distress and illness. Christmas this year might be a disaster if the merchants keep this up.

— Shopper in Austin, Texas

Fast facts

Additional uses for binder clips: -- Use on a trip to keep drapes closed.

-- Use to keep plastic or paper bags closed.

-- Clip to-do list to the sun visor of your car.

-- Hold coupons together while you shop.

Gift-card scam

DEAR HELOISE » Scammers are at it again. The gift card scams go like this:

1. You get a call from tech support telling you something is wrong with your computer. They want payment in the form of gift cards.

2. Caller claims to be from the IRS or Social Security Administra­tion and tells you that you need to pay back taxes or some kind of fine, but in gift cards.

3. You meet someone from a dating service or perhaps on social media sites and they ask for money for an emergency, to buy a ticket to where you live, etc.

4. A caller claims you won a boat, car, sweepstake­s or a trip, but you need to pay the taxes or some kind of fee.

The above are just some examples of what these con artists use to get you to pay with gift cards. Don’t do it. These are just scammers trying to steal your money. No matter what they tell you, they are lying. Don’t let them pressure you into sending money or gift cards. — Steven F., Los Angeles

Vinegar don’ts

DEAR READERS » As much as I love using vinegar for many household cleaning projects, there are some areas that are not well suited for vinegar. The first is on grout. Over time it breaks down the grout. Don’t use it on granite countertop­s. Over time it will eat away at the sealant and dull the countertop. It is now advised to not use it in your dishwasher because it can damage the plastic and rubber parts of your dishwasher over a period of time.

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