The Record (Troy, NY)

Don’t be a litterbug!

- — Malia K., Hilo, Hawaii Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@

Today’s Sound Off is about littering:

DEAR HELOISE » This afternoon, I parked my car in the parking lot, and as I was walking to the grocery store, I noticed someone had tossed two dirty diapers in the parking lot.

Not only is that disgusting, it’s also unsanitary and really, there’s no excuse for it.

Two days ago I went to the cemetery to place flowers on my mother’s grave, and as I pulled into the cemetery, I noticed a bunch of empty beer cans scattered over several graves. And disposable masks seem to be on the ground almost everywhere.

What is it with people? Why can’t people pick up after themselves? These are just a few examples of littering, but I’ve seen many more of late. It shows a real lack of respect for the property of others, as well as a careless disregard for safety and health of the public.

— Holly E., Minnetonka, Minnesota

Fast facts


• Use a couple in your luggage to store your soiled clothing.

• Carry a couple in your glove compartmen­t to use for litter.

• Use as packing material.

• Wrap up off-season shoes to keep them clean.

Multiple uses

DEAR HELOISE » I know a lot of cooks love all the new products on the market for their kitchens, but I have a tiny kitchen in my condo. So instead of buying a number of new gadgets, I make my “tools” do double duty. My blender really gets a workout because I don’t have a juicer, and I can blend so many things with it. I have a grater that I use for a number of things such as carrot curls (or chocolate curls for dressing up dessert), as well as for making lemon and orange zest. My utility shears are indispensa­ble. My wok and electric frying pan can cook nearly anything.

By using a little imaginatio­n and a few useful tools, I can save a lot of cupboard space and a lot of money.

— Davis W., Bellevue, Ohio

Makeup idea

DEAR HELOISE » I hate to carry a purse around, especially at work. I finally saw an eyeglass case that was big enough for me to put a tube of lipstick and a comb inside, and that is all I carry with me these days.

— Jessica V., Claymont, Delaware

Bug free

DEAR HELOISE » Here in Hawaii we have our share of insects. So to keep crawling and flying bugs from attacking my sister’s wedding cake at her oceanside wedding, we covered the cake with a lightweigh­t sheet of plastic and anchored it down with tape. Then we placed each leg of the table in a pan of water to keep crawling insects from getting to the cake. This is a rather common way of protecting food here in the islands when we have a barbecue or special event.

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