The Record (Troy, NY)

Paying for a doctor’s visit


Today’s Sound Off is about Medical Care:

DEAR HELOISE » I work in a physician’s office, and I am amazed at how many people get angry over a co-pay or refuse to pay a bill because they think medical treatment should be free.

It’s not, and running an office is very expensive.

First, co-pays are set up by an insurance company or Medicare, not the doctors, and you must pay it if we are to continue to help you.

Next, doctors have staff, rent, supplies, mortgages, families to feed and much more. So yes, you are expected to pay your bill or work out some payment arrangemen­t.

Medicine is a business not a charity, although doctors often have to write off an unpaid bill. Some resort to collection agencies, but most physicians are willing to work out a financial arrangemen­t, especially now with the unemployme­nt rate affected by COVID-19. If paying is difficult, talk to the office manager and see what can be done. We’re here to help you.

— Stacy M, Orange, Calif.

New scam

DEAR HELOISE » Here’s a new scam: You get an email from a well known bank telling you to “unlock your account.” The email starts out, “For your security, access has been restricted in order to safeguard your informatio­n.”

This is nothing but a cheesy scam to get your banking informatio­n. Do NOT click on the link they provide. Mine came from, which should be the first indication that this is a fraud. No bank would use this address.

— Don G., New York City


DEAR HELOISE » I saw your hint about adding eggshells to bird seed or the garden. Last spring, blue jays pecked at the white paint on my house so much that they cleared several areas by inches. They sought the calcium in the white paint. So I put crushed eggshells on the ground for them, and that has stopped them from pecking. They attacked my neighbor’s white paint too. No other bird has done this.

— Julia K., Brookline, N.H.


DEAR HELOISE » When I receive a letter from a friend or a card with a note in it, I write on the front of the envelope any questions they might ask or note anything important I want to address, to be sure I don’t forget it.

I’m in my 80s, and my friends are all in their 80s, and we send clippings, coupons and stickers to cheer each other up during this virus. It’s nice to get mail when housebound.

— Carol D., Bethesda, Md. Carol, that’s an excellent way to stay in touch and keep each other company. I think most people really enjoy getting a letter from a friend far away or even across town.

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