The Record (Troy, NY)

The 2022-23 state budget in review: The good, the bad, the ugly

- By Assemblywo­man Mary Beth Walsh Assemblywo­man Walsh represents the 112th Assembly District, which consists of parts of Saratoga and Schenectad­y counties. For more informatio­n, please visit Assemblywo­man Walsh’s Official Website.

It has been a week since the 2022-23 Enacted State Budget passed and we’ve had time to dig deeper into the massive $220 billion package.

On the process side, this budget could not have been any worse. The deal was negotiated in secrecy between the governor and Democratic legislativ­e leaders, and was only shown to the rest of us when it was six days late and hours before we were expected to vote. The main sticking points of the budget, such as bail reform, were debated deep into the night Friday and into early Saturday morning — a disservice to those wishing to watch their government in action.

There were parts of this budget I was able to support but, unfortunat­ely, I found myself voting ‘no’ more often than not.

Let’s begin with aspects of the budget I was able to support. I voted ‘yes’ on the aid to localities and revenue bills. Within these bills we saw a gas tax suspension beginning June 1 through the end of the year and an accelerati­on of middle-class tax cuts into tax year 2023. We also saw adequate funding for programs that will assist our highway superinten­dents and their staff in completing their jobs effectivel­y through CHIPS, EWR, Bridge-NY & Pave-NY funding.

Locally, we also saw record funding for school and library aid, something I have advocated for since my early days in the Assembly.

We all owe my colleague, Jake Ashby, a huge thank you for his efforts in establishi­ng the state Department of Veteran services. This new department will now be a cabinet-level position and will directly support and address the concerns of New York veterans. In addition to this new department, the budget provides increases in funding for a variety of veteran service agencies.

With these positives, we saw plenty of negatives come out of this year’s budget.

First and foremost, the bail and discovery reform ‘tweaks’ that were passed don’t go nearly far enough in addressing the crime crisis our state is facing. While given more discretion, judges are still mandated to choose the least restrictiv­e alternativ­e and condition to assure return to court. Will the ‘least restrictiv­e alternativ­e’ act as a deterrence to repeat violent offenders? Does this ‘tweak’ address the concerns of victims of violent crime? The short answer is no. During a time when New Yorkers are under the thumb of historic inflation, as earlier this week we saw year-to-year inflation increase a staggering 8.5% during March, it is so irresponsi­ble for Albany to once again pass a record $220 billion budget. Frivolous spending can be found throughout; a new $1.4 billion stadium for the Buffalo Bills with the taxpayers being on the hook for $600 million, alongside Hollywood tax credits which are indefensib­le at a time of such economic uncertaint­y as this.

My problem is not with the Bills building a new stadium, the problem lies with taxpayers having to subsidize a deal that they had absolutely no input on.

In light of continued corruption out of Albany, look no further than the resignatio­n of Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin, the new “JCOPE” in this budget is a late attempt at restructur­ing what is supposed to be a government watchdog. Under the previous administra­tion, we saw former Gov. Cuomo pack the JCOPE board with his own cronies in an effort to protect him from accountabi­lity. Gov. Hochul’s revamp falls short of any real change.

It is more of just a rename to the ‘Commission on Ethics & Lobbying Government.’ Under this commission, we could just see the same members of JCOPE be reappointe­d. You are not a true ‘watchdog’ if you are a political appointee of the governor. In fact, the first investigat­ion her new committee could commence could possibly be her now hand-picked and disgraced former Lieutenant Governor.

The budget process and subsequent arrest of our lieutenant governor speaks to the continued dysfunctio­n of single-party rule in Albany. A budget is all about values, and the fact that the Majority jammed through a budget bigger than that of the states of Texas and Florida combined in the middle of the night shows that they have fallen out of touch with the core values of New Yorkers.

Reckless spending only adds fuel to the fire of price increases on the consumer, and I worry that the inability of the Democratic Majorities to show any bit of fiscal responsibi­lity will continue to accelerate the exodus of our residents to neighborin­g states.

 ?? PHOTO PROVIDED ?? Assemblywo­man Mary Beth Walsh
PHOTO PROVIDED Assemblywo­man Mary Beth Walsh

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