The Record (Troy, NY)

Don’t clean the litter with bleach You can also have a friend stand in front or behind your car to make certain all of your lights are working properly. It will save you the expense of a ticket.


DEAR HELOISE » We have three indoor cats, and they have two litter pans, which we keep clean at all times. I was about to use bleach to clean out the litter pans when my husband stopped me. He claims that the ammonia from our male’s urine should never be mixed with bleach. If you’d heard him, you’d think it would cause an explosion! Is it dangerous to use bleach when cleaning a cat pan?

— Joyce D., Nashville, Tennessee

Winter home inspection

DEAR HELOISE » We’re into much cooler temperatur­es now, and heating bills will go up if you don’t stop the heat from escaping your house. Since I do home inspection­s, I thought I’d remind people of ways to save on heating bills:

-- It goes without saying that you need to check all weather stripping on your doors and windows. Replace that stripping if needed.

-- Cover all pipes that are exposed to the elements. This includes pipes that might be in your attic. Some of the newer home builders run waterlines through the attics now.

-- Inspect your roof for damage that might allow cold air, water or snow into your attic.

-- Have a profession­al inspect your heating system to make sure it’s heating properly. If your heating system needs repairs, it’s better to get them done now rather than waiting until spring.

— Walter J., Royal Oak, Michigan

It’s for the birds

DEAR HELOISE » My sister stored birdseed in her pantry so she could fill the three bird feeders in her yard. It wasn’t long before bugs infiltrate­d her stored seeds. Instead of tossing it in the trash, as so many people do, she scattered it on the ground in the areas where her bird feeders were located. The birds don’t care about bugs and probably enjoy the extra nourishmen­t.

— Ashley R., Oak Hill, West


Lights on cars

DEAR HELOISE » I got a ticket yesterday for having a burnt-out taillight. It’s important to keep up with things like that by turning on your lights and looking to see on a wall or door if both lights are reflected on that space.

You can also have a friend stand in front or behind your car to make certain all of your lights are working properly. It will save you the expense of a ticket. — Elroy W., Dime Box, Texas

Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@

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