The Record (Troy, NY)

New perspectiv­es on groundbrea­king weight loss drugs

- Send your questions for Annie Lane to

DEAR READERS » In a recent column, I was critical of the sudden popularity of using diabetes drugs to lose weight. I was responding to news reports that a growing number of people are using them for casual weight loss to drop a few pounds. But too many readers felt that I was not current on the latest scientific studies in this area for the clinically obese. I am grateful for the many letters I received on this topic and want to share a few of them with you:

DEAR ANNIE » I feel compelled to respond to your recent dialog with an individual writing about their friend who is successful­ly losing weight with the aid of GLP-1 receptor medication­s like Ozempic and Wegovy.

Yes, healthy eating and exercise are an important part of any lifestyle, but there are those of us who, through a mix of genetics and other factors, find ourselves 50 or even 100-plus pounds overweight. We are not like you; our weight challenges are not simply a failure to exercise proper willpower.

I lost 50 pounds on my own through healthy choices before turning to these new miracle medication­s after two years of not being able to lose more on my own. Once on the medication for a couple of months, the most puzzling emotion came over me: anger. This is what it feels like to be in a regular body. A body where blood sugar swings causing ravenous hunger don’t ruin our lives and ravage our bodies. Those of us who have been obese for our entire lives are just starting to feel what it’s like to be in a body like yours, and we are more than a little angry that it took this long. We are angry that we’ve been told our issues were willpowerb­ased or simply a failure of balancing energy in with energy out.

These drugs were discovered initially in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes — and there is a stigma for obese non-diabetics accessing the medication­s — but Type 2 diabetes is where most of us are headed with untreated obesity. I do not feel one bit guilty about intervenin­g in my obesity now instead of waiting around for Type 2 diabetes to take me.

We already face huge barriers on accessing these medication­s. For instance, most insurance plans still get away with excluding coverage for obesity treatment, so we have to pay $350-$1,350 a month outof-pocket, depending on the medication. But of course, if we get so sick that we become Type 2 diabetics, the drugs are paradoxica­lly covered without issue.

I ask you to encourage your readers not to pass judgment on the use of these miracle medication­s — at least until they have carried around an extra 100 pounds every day of their life.

— Enlighten the Skinny

DEAR ENLIGHTEN » You state the case so clearly that you could be the spokespers­on for the clinically obese who are benefiting from these medication­s. I very much appreciate your important comments.

DEAR ANNIE » I am a registered nurse who is administer­ing this class of drugs to patients who suffer from obesity-related diseases and have difficulty losing weight by traditiona­l diet and exercise alone. There are a whole host of factors for some individual­s that make losing weight by traditiona­l methods next to impossible. There are factors such as thyroid disease, PCOS, autoimmune, certain medication­s, insulin resistance, genetics, etc., that make losing weight so difficult. — Ignorance Is Never Bliss

DEAR ANNIE » I urge everyone to watch the Nova special called “The Truth About Fat,” which dives into the science and new knowledge behind the explosion of obesity globally. Science now knows that the gene for obesity occurs in over 30% of the population. — Science Matters

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