The Record (Troy, NY)

Unsealed flooring gets discolored

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@

DEAR HELOISE » I have charcoal gray slate flooring that was never sealed. It still looks good, except the areas around my potted plants. The slate is white around them. Is there something I can apply to the discolored areas to remove this white stuff?

Love your column and your hints. — Louise A., Lafayette, Louisiana Louise, you’ll need a heavy-duty stone cleaner, which you can probably find in a hardware store or plant nursery. Or, you might first try equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide, which can be applied by using a spray bottle or by soaking a sponge in the mixture. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes; then use a scrub brush or the rough side of a sponge and scrub.

It might be best if you had your floors sealed or placed something under your pots.

DEAR HELOISE » I found I do not have the strength in my hands that I used to have. I was having trouble opening cans that have loops on top of the lid. Then, a friend gave me a tip. Pull up the loop, put the handle of a wooden spoon in it and use the spoon as a lever. It works perfectly!

I read your column daily in our local paper, the Courier.

— Barbara H., Findlay, Ohio

DEAR HELOISE » During this 90 degree weather, before I go to bed, I bring my humming bird feeder inside and set it in a pan of ice cubes. Then, I return it to the hanger before I sleep. This way, the feeder is ready for a cooler start in the morning.

— Hazel R., Sherwood, Arkansas Hazel, what a great idea! Just a reminder to all of my readers who have humming bird feeders: Place the feeders in shady spots. When the feeder heats up in the summer sun, it can injure a bird’s tiny feet if it rests there, on the edge.

DEAR HELOISE » Why do pharmacies put such difficult-toopen tops on their pill bottles? Every time I struggle with a hardto-open bottle, I start cussing and get angry. I’m sure there’s a blue cloud over my house from all the yelling I do at those hard-to-open bottles.

— Harlan B., Bronson, Iowa Harlan, those are childproof caps, but all you have to do is ask your pharmacy not to use childproof caps on your pill bottles. Most will try to make your life easier by accommodat­ing your wish.

DEAR HELOISE » My neighbor’s yard has no shade and no doghouse for their dog. The poor animal is on a chain and can’t really escape the summer heat. I don’t even see a water bowl for him. How do I report this type of abuse?

— Lynette K., Stone Mountain,

Georgia Lynette, call the police or a local rescue center and explain the conditions under which the dog is living. Ask them if they can help the dog.

In the summer heat, all animals need shade as well as fresh, clean water. They really should be inside with air conditioni­ng. Cities are now cracking down on animal abuse!

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