The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Clinton’s strong choice of a running mate

Asked how she would decide on a vicepresid­ential running mate, presumptiv­e Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said a few days ago that she was “afflicted with the responsibi­lity gene” and so would value experience and preparedne­ss over all other considera

- Editorial courtesy of The Washington Post.

In choosing Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, she has picked someone not only supremely capable of serving as her No. 2 but also fully prepared — from day one — to be president.

In contrast with the cramped choices available to Republican nominee Donald Trump, a place on whose ticket did not appeal to many GOP leaders, Clinton had a rich field to choose from, including several senators and members of the House and three Cabinet members, Agricultur­e Secretary Tom Vilsack, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez and Housing and Urban Developmen­t Secretary Julián Castro. No doubt some backers of other candidates will be disappoint­ed that Clinton, who announced Kaine’s selection Friday, passed up the opportunit­y to make history with an all-female ticket or the first Hispanic vice presidenti­al candidate. Those in the party’s progressiv­e wing may be miffed that she didn’t pick someone fitting their rigid definition of liberal.

Such criticism, though, would not do justice to the strengths in experience, temperamen­t and worldview that Kaine brings to the ticket. In every office he has held — from Richmond mayor to Virginia governor to U.S. senator — he has shown a steady hand marked by a mastery of policy details and politics. As governor, he (unlike his counterpar­t on the Republican ticket) did not mire the state in divisive social issues but undertook sound stewardshi­p of the state. He was a commanding and calming presence when the horror of the Virginia Tech massacre occurred. That he is a fluent Spanish speaker, the result of his early work as a Catholic missionary in Honduras, should help Democrats with an important constituen­cy in November and the years of governing that would follow.

Kaine is more of a liberal than many people think, but unlike some with a more firebrand reputation, he does not equate ideology with unwillingn­ess to compromise. He genuinely believes in the value of public service and shows respect for other public servants, including those who disagree with him. He works across the aisle without compromisi­ng principle, a quality sorely in demand in Washington these days and one that will be critical if Democrats win the White House and hope to advance an ambitious legislativ­e agenda.

That Kaine is pleasant, “just so damn likable,” as one letter writer to The Post recently observed, doesn’t mean he is soft. Indeed, it is a strength, one that is particular­ly welcome in this dreary election. His choice reflects well on Clinton’s judgment.

 ?? MELINA MARA — THE WASHINGTON POST ?? Hillary Clinton, left, and her vice presidenti­al choice Sen. Tim Kaine during a rally in Miami on Saturday.
MELINA MARA — THE WASHINGTON POST Hillary Clinton, left, and her vice presidenti­al choice Sen. Tim Kaine during a rally in Miami on Saturday.

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