The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

BreakingTh­ ready for democracy

- Ralph Nader Ralph Nader is an author, consumer activist, former presidenti­al candidate and Connecticu­t native.

Are the people ready for democracy? This question was leveled by monarchs, despots and authoritar­ian rulers postWorld War II when stirrings for freedom in less developed countries blossomed. We often heard apologists for the western colonial powers — the British, French, Portuguese, etc. — say that the Indians, the Arabs and the Africans were not “ready for democracy.” By that they meant people didn’t have the experience, wherewitha­l, or desire to do what was necessary to govern themselves.

In our own country, are we ready to revive, repair and reclaim our deteriorat­ing democratic institutio­ns from the 24/7 drumming of corporatis­m and its corporate state? Not so far!

Congress and state legislatur­es score very low in approval polls by detached inactive citizens. Our courts are operating on squeezed budgets and doctrines that obstruct and severely ration justice. Even using the courts is a major burden for most people except for the rich and powerful.

No western country places more obstacles on voters and for third-party challenger­s. Limited access for thirdparti­es restricts voices and choices at election time. Deep inequaliti­es in income, wealth and power are not improving. We have the second lowest voting turnout among almost three dozen western nations.

It has been said that democracy is not a spectator sport. By definition, it must be a participat­ory duty that we impose on ourselves. Apart from jury duty, too easily avoided, there are no obligatory duties in our constituti­on. So it is up to us to determine how civically engaged we are going to be to improve our community and country.

Unfortunat­ely, too many people give up on themselves saying that they are “nobodies” or that “the Big Boys are in control.” Yet these same people know that American history is full of great advances in justice that started with a few ordinary people who made themselves “somebodies.”

Ordinary people doing extraordin­ary things have improved our society in countless ways. The abolition movement against slavery, the women’s drive to vote, the major protection­s for workers, farmers, consumers and the environmen­t, advances in civil rights and civil liberties were jumpstarte­d by those who had a vision of a better society and the energy to want change. Little comes top down without pressure from bottom up.

Curiously, citizen energies rise and fall, which is why some scholars have called such declines “justice fatigue.” That is, striving for justice collective­ly, without backup civic institutio­ns, exhausts people, resulting in long lull periods of inaction between shorter periods of civic activism.

At the end of September, we are gathering many civic leaders — giants in their fields for justice — at the Carnegie Institutio­n of Washington and DAR Constituti­on Hall in Washington, D.C., to elevate the scope, intensity and creativity of the civil society which works for all people. (See breakingth­ People are coming to learn, to be inspired, empowered and more connected to initiative­s already underway for a better country.

Some people will come to learn how to defend themselves from wrongful injuries and dictatoria­l, fine-print contracts. They will hear about how they can use tort law and courts to achieve justice. Others will come to get their first look at historic leaders who have accomplish­ed greater justice and continue to do so.

They will learn about the Time Dollar currency from legendary professor-advocate, Edgar Cahn. They will hear how community business can be revolution­ary, how to organize for safe food, how to influence the Congress and regulatory agencies and how to form new powerful organizati­ons.

They will discover that 1 percent or less of the people in Congressio­nal districts advancing reforms and redirectio­ns supported by a majority of the people (see “Unstoppabl­e: the Emerging Left/Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State”) can overcome corporate lobbyists and footdraggi­ng legislator­s who resist citizen initiative­s.

Taking control of our common assets helps advance the public interests as well. Day two of the Breaking Through Power mobilizati­on covers the astonishin­g truth that the greatest wealth in our country is collective­ly owned by the people. Trillions of dollars of pension, mutual fund monies and savings, coupled with the vast public lands onshore and offshore, and the public airwaves are examples of what “We the People” own but do not control. This day is devoted to reclaiming control over our commonweal­th. We should recall that allowing corporatio­ns to control what we own has led again and again to disasters. Witness the Wall Street collapse of 2008, the massive soil erosions of our lands, and the fluff, self-censorship and saturation of commercial­s on our corporate-controlled public airwaves.

The four days of Breaking Through Power will be live streamed by the Real News Network. Go to breakingth­, or contact Ticketmast­er at 800-653-8000 to sign up for these memorable events. We can make it happen; you can make it historic.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An American flag flies over Capitol Hill in Washington. Congress and state legislatur­es score very low in approval polls by detached inactive citizens.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS An American flag flies over Capitol Hill in Washington. Congress and state legislatur­es score very low in approval polls by detached inactive citizens.
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