The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Lifestyle as medicine should get respect

- Dr. David Katz Dr. David L. Katz; www.davidkatzm­; founder, True Health Initiative

Lifestyle medicine is undermined by those profiting from the propagatio­n of lifestyle disease.

Among the predominan­t themes of modern medicine is a consistent emphasis on high standards of evidence. There are many subtleties involved in producing high-quality evidence as the foundation of something nearing certainty about the effects of X on Y, with many of them well establishe­d and universall­y acclaimed, others more controvers­ial.

There is, however, a considerab­ly larger potential problem than the reliabilit­y of any given p value (calculated probabilit­y), and that is the matter of parity in what research gets done, how it is reported, and what becomes of the results. From my vantage point — more than 20 years running a clinical research lab, over 25 years of clinical care — I see a very unlevel playing field. I am concerned in particular that lifestyle as medicine gets all too little respect.

A study was just published in JAMA comparing a lifestyle interventi­on comprising both dietary modificati­on and exercise, to standard care relying principall­y on drugs for blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes. The primary outcome measure was change in glycohemog­lobin (HgbA1c), a kind of “weighted average” of blood sugar over time, and the participan­ts were followed for a year.

There was an unusual element in the study design that hints already at the biomedical biases of modern society. Since standard care that relies preferenti­ally on medication is, indeed, “standard,” the researcher­s designed a “noninferio­rity” study, otherwise known as an equivalenc­e study. The statistica­l techniques were chosen to show that the lifestyle interventi­on was as good as standard care; most studies are designed to show that treatments differ.

At 12 months, the treatment assignment­s were not equivalent. HgbA1c had improved more in the lifestyle treatment group than the standard care group, despite what the authors described as a “substantia­l and parallel reduction in glucose-lowering medication” in that group. In plain words, with the lifestyle interventi­on, participan­ts had better blood glucose despite taking less medication. In this “lifestyle as medicine” versus “medicine as medicine” contest, lifestyle won, reminding us all of the same result when lifestyle was compared to medication in a much larger, and rather famous study of diabetes prevention.

The new study made the medical news, but that’s where things took an odd turn. The headline at MedPage Today, since changed (at my request), was originally: “Exercise Not on Par with Meds for Glucose Control in T2D.” That’s true — it was “not on par” because it was better!

The headline in the American College of Physician’s JournalWis­e newsletter, widely distribute­d to physicians, was: “In adults with type 2 diabetes for < 10 y, a lifestyle interventi­on was not equivalent to standard care for glycemic control.” Again, that is technicall­y true; it was “not equivalent” because … it was better.

Admittedly the odd reporting in this case had much to do with the investigat­ors’ choice of an equivalenc­e design, and with the very tempered language the investigat­ors themselves used in their paper. But still, it’s hard to imagine a drug study showing effects greater than the control group being reported as “failure to show equivalenc­e” under any circumstan­ces. There is a ubiquitous bias at play.

While we generally use the term “standard of care” to imply state of the art, the standard may refer more reliably to the state of the status quo, the nature of which is to defend itself.

Some years back, I was working as the medical director at a boarding school for adolescent­s with severe obesity. The results achieved were stunning in every way. But the school has since folded because the kids who most needed the help came from families that could least afford it, and the third-party payers who will, as a matter of routine, cover bariatric surgery for a 17-year-old, don’t have policies to cover the even better results intensive lifestyle medicine can achieve.

Lifestyle as medicine is the best medicine we have, the only one appropriat­e for universal applicatio­n, suitable for children and octogenari­ans and breast-feeding mothers; the only one that can add years to almost everyone’s life, add life to almost everyone’s years. But lifestyle medicine is undermined by those profiting from the propagatio­n of lifestyle disease, and gets too little respect from those selling the standard remedies of modern medicine.

In other words, those holding the silver spoons may not want you to have the spoon you need to help lifestyle as medicine go down. That just means it’s time to invent new spoons.

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