The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Irma, now Maria: U.S. Caribbean communitie­s send aid


NEW YORK — From parties where the price of admission is a donation, to fundraisin­g drives and online wish lists for collecting needed supplies, West Indian communitie­s around the United States are stepping up to get help for the islands of the Caribbean ravaged by the wind and waters of hurricanes Irma and Maria, including those in places in the southern United States that were hit hard themselves.

Irma, once the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the open Atlantic, wreaked havoc in parts of the region — Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla and St. Martin, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos, the Bahamas and parts of Cuba — leaving more than three dozen people dead and turning vacation island paradises into devastated landscapes. There was no respite for the Caribbean, either, as Maria slammed into Puerto Rico on Wednesday with heavy winds and rains, causing at least 15 deaths across the Caribbean.

“What Irma didn't do, Maria went and finished,” said Jean Alexander, executive director of the Caribbean American Center of New York, a social service agency in Brooklyn. “You don't know who to help because everybody needs help.”

“I've been an emotional basket-case because you want to do everything for everyone,” said Nicole Bertrand Nixon, 39, who lives in Rockville, Maryland, but grew up in St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands where her parents still live. She helped gather toiletries and other items for an initial collection of necessary supplies and spread word about organizati­ons that people can support with their dollars.

The desire to help has brought together people who trace their roots all over the Caribbean, not just from the affected islands, said Alexander. There are almost 3 million people claiming West Indian ancestry in the United States, according to the U.S. Census.

“It's an interest of anyone who lives in the Caribbean,” said Alexander, who hails from Trinidad and Tobago. “I haven't heard of anybody not taking this seriously.”

Nixon agreed, saying that those who come from the Caribbean understand that those whose home countries weren't affected as much this time around could be hit in another storm. “Wherever we can help, we do,” she said, “because we know our time will come.”

That extends to Caribbean Americans who are dealing with the fallout of Irma themselves.

In South Florida, Caribbean communitie­s organizing relief efforts for the islands found themselves targeted by the same powerful hurricane.

Godwin Carty, president of the Anguilla Progressiv­e Associatio­n of New-Florida branch, has been collecting generators, canned food, baby supplies, macaroni, rice, flour, cleaning supplies such as mops and disinfecta­nts and equipment to help secure tarps atop buildings after roofs blew away. Caribbean diaspora associatio­ns in New York and New Jersey quickly began collecting and shipping relief supplies, but South Florida communitie­s had to put those activities on hold to wait out the storm and assess their own damage, Carty said.

His parents and siblings in Anguilla survived, but lost their roof and expect to be without power for a long time — which puts his two days without power in the Miami area into perspectiv­e, Carty said.

Desiree Barnes, president of the Antigua and Barbuda Associatio­n of South Florida, said Irma interrupte­d plans to collect donations, but community members in South Florida still donated money to relief efforts, even though they were rushing to buy plywood or evacuate.

“Before Irma hit, we were afraid and we were tense for our immediate families here, but they still wanted to give something. They were thinking of the other people who were in a worse situation,” Barnes said.

The Caribbean Associatio­n of Georgia began mobilizing and making plans to help before the storm even hit the Caribbean, associatio­n president Chris Scott said in a phone interview.

The planning continued even as she lost power when Irma's remnants swept through Georgia. But she drew strength from the memory of people she's visited in the Caribbean on mission trips after other natural disasters.

“I had to say, `You know what, not having lights is not a big deal, so get it together,“’ she said with a chuckle.

Scott said about two dozen volunteers worked Monday to sort donated items, packing them into 12 large labeled barrels to be sent to Antigua next week. After getting word from the island battered by Irma that they'd already received a lot of clothes, Scott's group is mostly sending toiletries.

 ?? Helene Valenzuela / AFP/Getty Images ?? This photo taken on Wednesday shows damage inflicted on the shoreline of Anse Marcel, on the French Caribbean island of Saint-Martin, after the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Hurricane Maria left more than 15 people dead in hard-hit Dominica,...
Helene Valenzuela / AFP/Getty Images This photo taken on Wednesday shows damage inflicted on the shoreline of Anse Marcel, on the French Caribbean island of Saint-Martin, after the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Hurricane Maria left more than 15 people dead in hard-hit Dominica,...

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