The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Sons are unwanted at funeral

- Annie Lane Send your questions for Annie Lane to

Dear Annie: This is a problem I know my family will have pretty soon. My mother married my stepfather, “Skip,” after my father died 19 years ago. My stepfather had eight children before they got married, so I have eight stepsiblin­gs. My mom passed away a few years ago. Three of Skip’s sons won’t speak to him or visit. Anyway, the problem now is that Skip doesn’t want his sons at his funeral at all.

My question is: What can be done to get them to stay away at the funeral without causing a problem and without getting the law involved? Please help me to tell them how to fix this.

Very Unhappy

Dear Very Unhappy: You can try keeping the location of the service a secret and let all invited guests know to keep the address to themselves because it’s a private event. If the service is being held on private property, you can explain the situation to the owners and ask for their assistance in keeping out unwanted guests, who would technicall­y be trespassin­g.

All that said, the onus is on the three brothers to respect their father’s final wishes. Dear Annie: I just read your column with the letter from “Sad and Over It, With Empty Pockets.” It was about a deadbeat son’s not paying his parents back for a student loan. I almost fell off my chair. That is almost the same situation I am in.

About nine years ago, I cosigned a student loan for my granddaugh­ter. She promised to pay it back. She said she really wanted to attend this expensive school. After about seven months, she quit. She has not made a payment in almost two years.

I get collection calls daily. I explain that I am on Social Security and have low income. They don’t care. I sent my granddaugh­ter a letter stating that she has to do something. She told me she isn’t working. I tell her to call the agency and arrange to make interest payments.

I thought about calling an attorney but was worried that her mother would be upset. Well, after reading your reply to “Sad and Over It, With Empty Pockets,” I will be calling an attorney this week. Thank you. You have been a great help to me.

Empty Pockets, Too

Dear Empty Pockets, Too: I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself.

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