The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

If you don’t conform you’re the enemy


You just can’t make this stuff up, folks!

Is a Christian company that promotes Christian values in its business practices while offering good food at a good price really “creepy?” The writer of a recent piece in The New Yorker thinks so.

Dan Piepenbrin­g is in a complete tizzy over the success of Chick-fil-A’s largest restaurant chain in Manhattan and the company’s plans to open up additional stores in the city. Piepenbrin­g thinks New Yorkers should run for their lives from the chicken sandwich-selling restaurant chain. He likens the restaurant to a “megachurch” (although it is closed on Sundays). He states the company’s “pervasive Christian traditiona­lism” is an “infiltrati­on”-the company has an “ulterior motive.” In fact, he believes that Chick-fil-A’s presence in New York is downright “creepy.”

The writer further claims that Chick-fil-A “funds anti-gay causes, including those that oppose same-sex marriage.” More accurately, the company supports pro-family and pro-marriage causes. Chick-fil-A serves all people regardless of their beliefs or sexual orientatio­n. The company has the right to its opinion and the right to support causes in which it believes.

Most of the article is spent on commenting about the cows in Chick-fil-A’s marketing campaigns. It is not the effective cow marketing campaign that so infuriates the writer, but rather the company’s stand for Christian values.

Once again, we see that anyone who does not conform to the leftist agenda is ridiculed and made out to be the enemy. Tricia DeToro, North Haven

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