The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Woman lacks table manners

- Annie Lane Send your questions for Annie Lane to

Dear Annie: My good friend frequently blows her nose at the table and places her dirty tissues in a pile on the table. If cloth napkins are being used, she has no problem blowing her nose in it. She has chronic bronchitis, so it is an ongoing problem.

She also takes bites of others’ food with her used utensils without asking. She is easily offended, and I find it difficult to address these issues with her. How can I get her to stop this behavior? Grossed Out

Dear Grossed Out: Your friend’s chronic bronchitis probably makes it impossible for her to go to the bathroom every time she needs to blow her nose, so you can forgive her for doing it at the table. Still, no one should have to eat lunch in the shadow of Mount Kleenex. Suggest to your friend that she keep a small plastic bag in her purse for storing used tissues until she can put them in a trash can.

As for her helping herself to others’ food without asking, there’s no medical explanatio­n for that. The best solution is to call it out when it happens. The next time her fork makes its way to your plate, say, “Excuse me, but I wasn’t finished with that.” Do this every time it happens. Dear Annie: Women have served in the U.S. military since the Revolution­ary War. They even dressed up as men to be able to serve their country. But female active-duty service members and veterans are not given the same recognitio­n as men.

I have a T-shirt that I wear that says, “I am a United States Air Force veteran.” I’ve had a few people say it’s nice my husband served. I don’t have a husband. I am the veteran.

Female veterans make up 9 percent of veterans today, and it will grow to 17 percent by the year 2043. Many of these women put their lives on the line every day, too. Female veterans who haven’t been deployed have served in critical areas of our military, allowing for men to be able to fight on the front lines.

Please, Annie, remind our country that men and women have served in our military and that women would also like to be thanked for their service. A Vietnam-Era Female Veteran

Dear Veteran: Thank you for your service.

I’d like to encourage readers to donate to the Service Women’s Action Network (https:// www.servicewom­, which empowers women in the armed forces with access to the critical resources and services they need.

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