The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

The stigma of mental illness


In this letter I would like to address mental illness, and more importantl­y the stigma that often comes along with it. The dictionary defines stigma as “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstan­ce, quality, or person.” It is the passing of judgment on someone else, whom a person thinks is different from him or herself and reacting to this perceived difference through words, reactions, and even flat out bullying. Also, people can, and often do, place labels like crazy or weird and share these labels freely with others around them, further exacerbati­ng the problem.

All too often, individual­s with mental illness do not seek appropriat­e help due to the stigma attached. Although it is a person’s right to refuse medication and/or treatment, that is not the only reason people stay away. Stigma plays a major role for many here too. People avoid being affiliated with, or seen near, treatment places such as Prime Time House and WCMHN (Western CT Mental Health Network) for fear of the possible resultant stigma. The very thing that could help people get on the road to recovery is avoided because it (might) make things worse.

Medicine is another interestin­g phenomenon. Medicine prescribed for physical ailments is received and taken as a necessary approach to healing. Yet, it is more likely that a person with mental illness problems may refuse medication, again due to stigma. There is a very real stigma attached to psychiatri­c medication. It is totally acceptable to take medication for a broken bone, or an infection — but for a struggling mind? Not so much.

Quick judgments are all too often placed on a person with mental illness by strangers, and even family. In my own experience, when my friends and family found out that I have a mental illness, relationsh­ips either ended or changed. Some people began to steer clear and limited their reaching out to see how I was doing. This happened at a time when I needed the support the most. It was devastatin­g. I am so very grateful to those in my life who did stay connected and supportive.

This brings me to my last point. I present a challenge to the citizens of the community, especially the media. Anyone who is struggling with health, physical or mental, could benefit from understand­ing, support and considerat­ion. In the very least, do no harm. Be kind to people who seem different from you. The world would be boring if everyone was the same. If you see someone talking to themselves, don’t judge, smile. Maybe no one else has talked to them today; and they are not harming anyone.

Remember, mental illness touches all of us in some way or another, one in every four people. It could be a family member, a friend, an acquaintan­ce, or even ourselves. And yes, it is important to be kind to yourself if you have a mental illness. For all of this to happen, society needs to be aware of the implicatio­ns that words and actions have on each other. Theresa Beshara Torrington

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