The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Are we surrenderi­ng Americanis­m to identity politics?

- By Llewellyn King Courtesy of InsideSour­ Llewellyn King is executive producer and host of “White House Chronicle” on PBS.

Francis Fukuyama earned his place in philosophi­cal history by declaring “the end of history” on the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism.

Nowadays Fukuyama, an engaging traveler through the world of ideas, poses this great question: Where are we going?

In New York on Sept. 11, Fukuyama seemed to answer that question by telling an audience: Nowhere very good.

The global crisis laid out in Fukuyama’s latest book “Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment” is that identity politics — advanced tribalism, if you will — is eroding democracy.

Fukuyama writes that the United States invaded the Middle East, during the Iraq War, to Americaniz­e the Middle East, but the Middle East has Middle Easternize­d the United States. Not only is there no national identity in Iraq now, he argues, but we are also losing our Americanis­m to identity politics, with its baggage of racism and division.

He points to two decidedly democratic events as harbingers of a less democratic future: Britain’s vote in June 2016 to leave the European Union and the election that same year of President Donald Trump, disaster following on disaster, identity triumphing over political union.

In the case of Brexit, English nationalis­m upstaging the larger values of a unified Europe; and in the Trump election, the white working class voting against the other constituen­t parts of the nation.

Listening to Fukuyama answering questions at the New York event, organized by Philip Howard and his Common Good organizati­on, one could be plunged into feeling that the famous American mixing bowl had become unmixed, breaking down, as Fukuyama gently suggested, into competing groups, supporting just those who belong to their group — all of this set off by white fear of the end of their hegemon in America. Hence, the hysteria over immigratio­n.

Fukuyama sees the United States in danger from identity grouping overwhelmi­ng our commonalit­y as a nation.

I wonder about that. When I landed on these shores as a young (legal) immigrant in 1963, I wrote to a friend in England — and I remember this clearly — saying: “This is no melting pot. This is a fruit salad.”

Well, that is still so, and it works until it is perverted by minority manipulato­rs. For example, there has always been a racist element. It is just that Trump and his allies have blown on these embers and brought forth flame. Race dividers feel emboldened under Trump, just as they seethed under President Barack Obama.

It is worth pondering that before Trump, we twice elected an African American president and that said something about us — something quite different from what Fukuyama is saying about us in today’s race-heavy, factshort political debate.

Some at the New York meeting suggested that the pendulum will swing back. Yes, it will but not to the status quo ante. It will be to a new place.

Personally, I believe the Trump success was fueled not so much by resentment as by a pervasive sense of irrelevanc­e. It expresses itself politicall­y, but its root may be with the isolation felt by those who have to deal with monopoly businesses from the cable company to the online retailer.

Fukuyama calls for dignity as a kind of antidote to identity politics. He might want to extend that excellent thought beyond just the political arena.

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