The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Cash pours into state campaigns

- By Kaitlyn Krasselt kkrasselt@hearst; 203-842-2563; @kaitlynkra­sselt

An unpreceden­ted amount of money is pouring into Connecticu­t legislativ­e races as Republican­s attempt to take the House and the Senate.

On Wednesday, the Republican State Leadership Committee poured $400,000 into Change Connecticu­t, a political action committee, or PAC, targeting Senate Democrats. That doubles the amount the leadership committee had already spent this year in Connecticu­t. By Thursday, the PAC spent more than $300,000 of that on digital media, mailers, polling and consulting services in four close races.

“The numbers are absolutely increasing and I would not say that we actually know what normal is right now,” Cheri Quickmire, executive director of Common Cause of Connecticu­t, said. “It’s clear that there are outside spenders who are trying to influence state elections and they are willing to spend a tremendous amount of money to do so.”

The amount the committee spent dwarfs the $75,000 public grants awarded to Senate candidates under the state’s Clean Elections Program, which was establishe­d to reduce special interests’ influence on campaigns.

Former Gov. M. Jodi Rell — the Republican who oversaw the implementa­tion of the clean elections laws after her predecesso­r John Rowland resigned in a public corruption scandal — sits on the board of the leadership committee. She could not immediatel­y be reached for comment Thursday.

The committee has funneled more outside money into local races than has ever been seen in the state, Quickmire said. She attributed the increase to the competitiv­eness of this year’s legislativ­e races — Republican­s would only need to pick up five seats to flip the House and the state Senate is tied 18-18.

The leadership committee, based in Washington, D.C., has millions on hand from donors such as Koch Industries, several family members of Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the pharmaceut­ical company AbbVie and tobacco company Reynolds American, according to documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service.

Filings with the State Elections Enforcemen­t Commission show the PAC spent money in September and October opposing Democratic candidates for the state Senate including Steve Cassano, a sitting state Senator from Manchester; Middletown state Rep. Matt Lesser; Milford resident James Moroney, who is running to replace retiring state Sen. Gayle Slossberg; and Essex First Selectman Norm Needleman.

Senate Democratic President Martin Looney of New Haven said the influx of outside money compromise­s the state’s public campaign finance program, and is a direct result of the Citizens United ruling, which opened the door for unlimited spending by corporatio­ns.

“Connecticu­t has really become a good investment for dark money opponents to target our Citizens Election Program,” Looney said. “Outside spenders know exactly what percentage of the campaign budget they will be spending. They know if they spend $100,000, they’re doubling the budget on a senate race.”

“The money is absolutely flowing in this election cycle,” Quickmire said.

Quickmire filed an official complaint against Change Connecticu­t Thursday for not disclosing how it is spending money and who it is targeting in all of its filings with the State Elections Enforcemen­t Commission.

Change Connecticu­t is a PAC organized by former charter school lobbyist Bill Phillips. He has publicly backed DeVos, who favors privatized charter schools and a voucher system. Members of the DeVos family have contribute­d a total of $200,000 to the RSLC.

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