The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Biden’s swift abortion reversal shows Democrats shift


Joe Biden’s announceme­nt this week that he had reversed decades of opposition to using federal funds to pay for most abortions capped a rapid move within his party against what had been one of the few compromise­s in abortion politics.

On Wednesday, the Biden campaign said he still supported the longtime ban on using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions under Medicaid, a health program for low-income people. After an outcry from other Democrats and abortion rights supporters, he reversed course Thursday, bringing him in line with his party’s official policy.

Biden’s flip-flop, as inelegant as it may have been, illustrate­d how brisk the Democratic Party’s shift on the issue has been. The change also highlights the growing influence in the Democratic Party of women of color, who over the last decade led the movement to shift the party’s stand on abortion funding, as well as the widening gap between the two parties on abortion.

The Democrats essentiall­y did a 180-degree turn on federal funding while Biden was serving as vice president and in the two years that he was out of office.

The last time Biden cast a vote in the Senate — 2008 — the ban on federal funds for abortion, known as the Hyde Amendment, was widely accepted by Republican and Democratic lawmakers, as well as mainstream abortionri­ghts groups.

By the time the Obama administra­tion ended, by contrast, Democrats had adopted a call for repeal of the Hyde Amendment as part of their 2016 party platform.

“The conversati­on about abortion is just so different” today, said Destiny Lopez, co-director of the All Above All Action Fund, a group that has advocated for ending the Hyde Amendment since 2013.

When the group started its advocacy, “the talking point was that Hyde was the law of the land - that was from so-called prochoice folks,” she said. “You were able to be pro-choice and support the Hyde Amendment,” she said.

Today, more than 150 Democratic lawmakers in the House and Senate — and with Biden’s switch, all the major 2020 presidenti­al candidates — endorse ending the policy.

Biden has had to quickly catch up to where the Democratic base is today. Biden once voted to ban certain abortion procedures conducted late in pregnancy and was proud of his “middle of the road” position against the federal funding of abortion, as he wrote in his 2007 book, “Promises to Keep.”

“I take him at his word now that he has heard the will of the people,” Dr. Leana Wen, president and chief executive of Planned Parenthood, said Friday on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers.”

The Hyde Amendment policy was first crafted three years after the 1973 Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, which legalized abortion nationwide. The restrictio­n has been a part of federal spending laws ever since. While it was named for a longtime opponent of abortion, Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, the policy was viewed for years by both Republican­s and Democrats as one of the few things the parties could agree on regarding abortion: The federal government wouldn’t pay for it.

Supporters of the ban, including some who were otherwise abortion-rights advocates, argued that in a society with a wide divergence of views on abortion, taxpayers should not be required to help pay for a procedure that many regard as immoral.

When the amendment first passed, it was not controvers­ial; abortion rights supporters assumed the Supreme Court would knock the policy down. It didn’t.

For decades afterward, the Hyde Amendment stood as a compromise that neither party was eager to touch. The ban initially applied to Medicaid, but it has become a key point in debates over many other aspects of health care, including passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 and even a small attempt to change the law last year.

Since the late 1970s, abortionri­ghts advocates tried a few times to eliminate the ban. President Bill Clinton briefly tried to do so, only to be turned down by Democrats in Congress.

Beginning in 2011 and 2012, however, organizati­ons representi­ng women of color began pushing to end the policy. They framed their message as a reproducti­ve justice movement, arguing that the legality of abortion meant little if low-income women, many of them minorities, couldn’t access the procedure.

The Hyde Amendment “is discrimina­tory against people with low incomes and it also specifical­ly discrimina­tes and further silos out abortion care and treats it as different than any other aspect of healthcare,” said Wen.

Initially, mainstream abortionri­ghts groups, including Planned Parenthood, were reluctant to embrace the push to end the ban. But when Rep. Barbara Lee, DCalif., introduced a bill to end the policy in 2015, mainstream abortion-rights groups signed on.

The calls to repeal the Hyde Amendment come as both sides of the abortion debate have largely given up trying to win over middle-of-the-road voters, reflecting a widening division in American politics on that and many other issues.

This year, several Republican majority state legislatur­es have moved to ban all abortions in their states, in some cases trying to prohibit the procedure as early as six weeks of pregnancy and without exceptions for pregnancie­s that result from rape or incest, an idea that was once considered too extreme to even think of and remains a step too far for many Republican­s.

Last year, the last two House Republican­s who broke ranks on abortion policy - Reps. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvan­ia and Rodney Frelinghuy­sen of New Jersey - left office, with no similar replacemen­ts. On the Democratic side, abortion-rights groups have tried to oust one of the last anti-abortion Democrats in the House, Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois.

While Democrats are coming to consensus on opposition to the Hyde Amendment, they aren’t ready to vote against omnibus bills that include the restrictio­n. Nearly every sitting lawmaker has voted at least once for a bill including the Hyde restrictio­n.

The prohibitio­n on federal money for abortion is routinely attached to the annual bill that funds all government health programs, for example. If Democrats drew a firm line against it, they would put at risk billions of dollars in other programs, such as Title X family planning money.

 ?? Dustin Chambers / Getty Images ?? Former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden speaks to a crowd at a Democratic National Committee event in Atlanta to raise money for the DNCs IWillVote program, which is aimed at registerin­g voters.
Dustin Chambers / Getty Images Former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden speaks to a crowd at a Democratic National Committee event in Atlanta to raise money for the DNCs IWillVote program, which is aimed at registerin­g voters.

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