The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Wide and narrow doors


Jesus holds up two images; the narrow gate and the locked door to refer to qualificat­ions for entrance into heaven. Jesus wants us to daily be ready for His return. Or, a need to give an account of ourselves to the Father that will lead to eternal life.

Our responsori­al psalm challenges us to go out to all the nations and tell the good news. There is a daily need to see God’s hands at work, in both the days of joy and sorrow. Jesus does not want us to be complacent in realizing that salvation is free to all, because of Jesus’ Passion, Death, Resurrecti­on and Ascension to the Father. There is room for everyone in Heaven — but be aware that the door or gate will not admit all.

The question people are asking Jesus seems to be useless and foolish: “Lord will only a few people be saved?” Jesus did not say how many may or may not be saved but gives us good advice. Just as we gave you a pencil with some teaching or advice to begin the new school year and fall season, soon to start, so Jesus did the same in the Gospel. “Strive to get through the narrow door, but don’t wait until the last minute to do so.”

In other words, Jesus is stating that the door that is easy to get through or is wide, will take you to a place where you will find no lasting happiness. Effort, work, planning ahead, striving to live a good life of virtue and making all strangers neighbors is the narrow door.

What is the verse on your pencil that will help you get through the narrow door, and how can you put it into practice NOW. Some of the versus are… ”Do your best on the test” which is daily living; “Look, listen and learn” “Knowledge is Power”; “Succeed”; “Keep up the good work.” These are just some brief thoughts of how to get through the narrow door.

The important word is strive: It may take a little agony, effort, disappoint­ment and putting yourself second, as you strive to fight against selfishnes­s and pride. Jesus calls out now for action and not waiting for tomorrow for today is the gift promised yesterday to honor God and Neighbor. Life is in trying to conquer the struggles that place self first and make real the two great commandmen­ts of love of God and Neighbor.

You must try to do what is on the pencil and you may fail. But you are vastly better off than if you tried to do nothing and succeeded in nothing. In this final week of August, be like a duck — keep calm and unruffled on the surface, but paddle like the devil underneath.

There are going to be some storms every day, but the love, mercy and forgivenes­s of the Lord are always there to guide us — to try and do our best to get through the narrow door.

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