The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Compromise vital for transporta­tion plan


After months of inactivity on the transporta­tion funding question, movement finally arrived late last week from an unexpected source.

Gov. Ned Lamont, who came into office prioritizi­ng transporta­tion funding, was unable to pass a plan through the Democratdo­minated Legislatur­e this year, leading to talk of a special session. But the summer came and went without the Assembly reconvenin­g to talk transit, an unmistakab­le sign that the votes to put tolls on Connecticu­t roads simply weren’t to be had.

Republican­s, for their part, were mostly content to watch Democrats fumble the issue. While they introduced a plan of their own to prioritize bonding for transporta­tion projects, which would have put other spending on hold, the consistent answer from the minority party on the issue of tolling was unequivoca­l — absolutely not.

Republican­s took pains to make clear late last week that they still don’t favor tolls, and would not vote in favor of a plan that includes them. But they at least indicated a willingnes­s to talk about such a plan, which might not sound like much but counts as real progress in the ongoing stalemate.

“If you say ‘Absolutely no tolls, I’m not talking about it, period,’ then you can’t have a discussion,” Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano said Thursday. Themis Klarides, leader of House Republican­s, made a similar point: “I’m not going to not look at it.”

That’s far from praise for a revised Lamont plan that has yet to see the light of day, but might be enough to get the process moving.

Despite some successes, including raising the minimum wage and establishi­ng paid family leave, the Lamont administra­tion has repeatedly stumbled on transporta­tion. After coming into office saying he would charge only trucks, Lamont reversed course and announced a plan where everyone would pay, though Connecticu­t residents would pay less. When details were unveiled, the scope of the proposal, with tolls nearly unavoidabl­e along the state’s major throughway­s, gave pause even to potential supporters.

In response, the governor has taken a step back, and indication­s this summer are that he was rethinking his approach. With help available from the federal government, the administra­tion appears to be relying less on tolls and more on bonding, which has the effect of moving Lamont closer to the Republican­s’ position. It makes sense that Republican­s might then be more open to moving from their position, as well.

But everything will depend on the details. The original plan for 50plus gantries couldn’t garner enough support from either party, and now appears dead. But if less money is to come from tolls, it weakens the Democrats’ main argument for tolls in general — that outofstate drivers, who currently contribute nothing to upkeep, need to pay their fair share.

Regardless, the need for a plan is clearer by the day. The state of Connecticu­t’s transporta­tion system is dire, and costs are only going to increase. It’s a small opening, but Democrats must ensure that Republican­s’ willingnes­s to discuss funding plans is met with openness on their part, as well. To find a workable solution, everyone needs to be involved.

“If you say ‘Absolutely no tolls, I’m not talking about it, period,’ then you can’t have a discussion.” Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano

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