The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

Big Tech a punching bag for politician­s

GOP, Dem critics have different motives, but share a common target


Republican­s and Democrats don’t agree on health care, immigratio­n or taxing the rich. But one subject draws critics from both parties: Big Tech.

The list of grievances is long and growing by the week. Companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon are too big and powerful. They’re bad for privacy , public discourse, democracy and small business. They’re spying on us, contributi­ng to economic inequality and hooking us and our children on addictive, useless services.

The companies themselves object to these characteri­zations, though how loudly they object varies.

Sen. Kamala Harris, a California Democrat, urged Twitter to suspend President Donald Trump’s account for violating the service’s rules, while Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri is battling what he considers tech companies’ bias against conservati­ves. Hawley has also told Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that he

should sell off WhatsApp and Instagram.

The companies are trying to maintain a neutral stance, even if that draws the ire of politician­s as divergent as the president and those trying to impeach him. Behind the scenes, though, they are spending millions on lobbying in hopes of warding off breakups or intrusive regulation.

Not that there is any danger of either happening any time soon, especially with an ongoing impeachmen­t probe. Still, talking up Big Tech’s problems has proven to be popular political rhetoric.

When it comes to policing content, social media services are “caught between a rock and a hard place,” said Andrew Guess, a Princeton University political scientist who studies social media and its effects on political opinion.

Blocking or suspending accounts for hate speech can prompt complaints of political bias or censorship, but a handsoff approach may be viewed as a free pass to politician­s like Trump.

“Anything they do is going to attract criticism,” Guess said. “That, of course, makes them a target.”

Beyond discourse and privacy, antitrust concerns have emerged as a major concern for lawmakers and candidates. This wasn’t the case in 2016, when grumbling about the outsized power of tech was largely confined to activists and those on the most liberal end of the spectrum.

Leading the pack has been Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic presidenti­al candidate who in March proposed breaking up big tech companies. She garnered immediate support, even from rivals such as Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican who retweeted Warren for what he said was the first time. Cruz said “she’s right — Big Tech has way too much power to silence Free Speech.”

Since then, calling out the tech behemoths and other big corporatio­ns has been a pillar of Warren’s presidenti­al campaign. Sen. Bernie Sanders, another leading Democratic candidate, has also said breaking up Amazon, Google and Apple is “something we should definitely take a look at.”

Still, while there have been congressio­nal hearings, investigat­ions and fines, including a record $5 billion against Facebook, little has changed for Big Tech.

A Republican­controlled Senate is unlikely to pass legislatio­n that seems too antibusine­ss. That includes breaking up tech companies seen as too monopolist­ic. The same likely goes for any privacy law that restricts companies’ ability to target ads to their liking.

While the two parties agree that Big Tech has problems, they often differ on what those problems are — and how to fix them. You won’t find many Democrats complainin­g about tech’s perceived conservati­ve bias, for instance. Nor will you find many conservati­ves complainin­g of algorithmi­c bias against people of color.

Trump has been uneven in his criticisms. Amazon has been a frequent target, though that is due in part to CEO Jeff Bezos’s ownership of The Washington Post. He’s met with Zuckerberg privately, but he’s also tweeted that “Facebook was always antiTrump” and accused it of colluding with the news

media against him.

Amid all this, at least in public, the companies have mostly kept a low profile. But there are occasional glimpses of behindthes­cenes activity. Leaked audio from an internal Facebook meeting in July captured Zuckerberg acknowledg­ing that if “someone like” Warren is elected, he expects Facebook to fight back — and prevail — against efforts to break it up in court. But he added: “And does that still suck for us? Yeah.”

Amazon, by contrast, briefly tried to debate the candidates on Twitter.

In April, after Warren complained that Amazon and other big tech companies have “too much power,” the company responded by pointing the finger at its main rival: “Walmart is much larger; Amazon is less than 4 percent of U.S. retail.”

When Rep. Alexandria OcasioCort­ez said in a TV interview in June that Amazon pays workers “starvation wages,” the company tweeted that she “is just wrong.”

And Amazon gave former Vice President Joe Biden a corporate tax lesson after he tweeted that it shouldn’t be paying a “lower tax rate than firefighte­rs and teachers.”

“We pay every penny we owe,” Amazon tweeted back. “Congress designed tax laws to encourage companies to reinvest in the American economy. We have.”

This was in June. Amazon seems to have backed off since.

Expect the political pushback to continue, from both parties, said Joshua Tucker, codirector of New York University’s Social Media and Political Participat­ion Lab.

“It’s a bipartisan issue,” he said. “But the right and the left are criticizin­g it for different reasons.”

 ?? Contribute­d photo ?? President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Target Center in Minneapoli­s on Thursday. Republican­s and Democrats don’t agree on health care, immigratio­n or taxing the rich. But one subject draws critics from both parties: Big Tech. Trump has been uneven in his criticisms. Amazon has been a frequent target, though that is due in part to CEO Jeff Bezos’s ownership of The Washington Post. He’s met with Zuckerberg privately, but he’s also tweeted that “Facebook was always antiTrump” and accused it of colluding with the news media against him.
Contribute­d photo President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Target Center in Minneapoli­s on Thursday. Republican­s and Democrats don’t agree on health care, immigratio­n or taxing the rich. But one subject draws critics from both parties: Big Tech. Trump has been uneven in his criticisms. Amazon has been a frequent target, though that is due in part to CEO Jeff Bezos’s ownership of The Washington Post. He’s met with Zuckerberg privately, but he’s also tweeted that “Facebook was always antiTrump” and accused it of colluding with the news media against him.
 ?? Associated Press ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, DMass., speaks Oct. 2 during a gun safety forum in Las Vegas. Warren proposed breaking up big tech companies in March. She garnered immediate support, even from rivals such as Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican who retweeted Warren for what he said was the first time. Cruz said “she’s right — Big Tech has way too much power to silence Free Speech.”
Associated Press Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, DMass., speaks Oct. 2 during a gun safety forum in Las Vegas. Warren proposed breaking up big tech companies in March. She garnered immediate support, even from rivals such as Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican who retweeted Warren for what he said was the first time. Cruz said “she’s right — Big Tech has way too much power to silence Free Speech.”

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