The Register Citizen (Torrington, CT)

State needs ranked-choice voting system


Whom did Nelson “Oz” Griebel hurt most with his minor-party candidacy for governor in 2018 when he drew nearly 4 percent of the vote — Democrat Ned Lamont or Republican Bob Stefanowsk­i?

It’s hard to tell. Griebel, a smart and decent guy, often seemed better informed and more articulate than his major-party rivals. He had been a Hartford-area business leader and a Republican and sought the Republican nomination for governor in 2010, losing the primary in part because he had little campaign money and declined to participat­e in the public campaign financing system. But despite his Republican and business background, the positions Griebel took two years ago made him hard to distinguis­h from Democrat Lamont.

Now, the New Haven Independen­t reported last week, Griebel is chairing the Connecticu­t chapter of a new national party calling itself the Serve America Movement. Maybe a third party will have a chance if the Republican­s renominate President Donald Trump and the Democrats nominate ... well, almost anyone now seeking their nomination. Griebel is advocating three election-related proposals. One is compelling. Two are anti-democratic.

Griebel’s compelling idea is ranked-choice voting, under which voters designate a second-choice candidate who would get their votes if their first choice did not win the initial count. Ranked-choice voting diminishes the chances of extremists in elections that have more than two candidates.

Lacking ranked-choice voting, Connecticu­t in recent decades has proved the need for it with several elections for governor and U.S. senator where the winner did not achieve a majority and well might not have won if second-choice votes could have been registered and transferre­d. Because of Griebel’s nearly 4 percent two years ago, Lamont fell a point short of 50 percent.

Griebel also advocates letting all voters, regardless of party membership, participat­e in primaries. This would weaken the parties as well as the political system’s philosophi­cal coherence. Open primaries make it harder for like-minded people to organize politicall­y and place their candidates on the ballot. They also facilitate political mischief, enabling supporters of one party to influence another party’s choice of candidates by voting for the weaker candidate in the other party’s primary.

There is no good argument for open primaries. Unaffiliat­ed voters can register with a party and qualify to vote in its primaries a day before a primary. Voters changing from one party to another must wait only three months, the delay minimizing mischief.

Griebel’s other anti-democratic idea is term limits, restrictin­g the number of consecutiv­e terms elected officials can serve. But of course voters already can impose term limits by defeating incumbents in elections, and much of the clamor for term limits is hypocritic­al. For while people disparage Congress or state legislatur­es in general, they tend to like their own representa­tives.

The democratic route to more competitiv­e elections is not to impose term limits but to broaden campaign financing.

Chris Powell is a columnist for the Journal Inquirer in Manchester.

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